Friday 26 November 2021


By Ayuba Yilgak'ha

No nation could attain meaningful and sustained development in the atmosphere of turbulence and
chaos. For a nation to achieve progress, there has to be functional set of rules and regulations that moderate and guide the conduct of the citizenry to mitigate the natural tendencies of humans to misbehave in manner that could cause injury to others or distress to the polity as a whole.

Constitutionalism is a political ideology that gives credence to being lawful. It is the process of living according to the dictates of laws or constitution which is always goal specific.

The development of the culture and practice of constitutionalism in the United States of America (USA) is a classic beauty to behold. While most nations, especially developing countries like Nigeria often fail in harkening to basic dictates of constitutional provisions, America has proven itself relatively faithful in doing so. Just recently when the country's President, Joseph Biden Jr was scheduled for what was referred to as "routine medical procedure", the president demonstrated with great patriotism the power of constitution and constitutionalism by way of seamless transmission of power to the Vice President, Kamala Haris through a letter transmitted to the Senate and addressed to the Senate President Protempore, Honourable Patrick Leahy, on November 19, 2023.

Because of the importance of the letter to this discourse, the main body of it is reproduced here and it reads: 

"Dear Senator Leahy,

Today I will be under a routine medical procedure requiring sedation. In view of present circumstances, I have determine to transfer temporarily the powers and duties of the office of President of the United States to the Vice President during the brief period of the procedure and recovery.

In accordance with the provision of section of the Twenty - Fifth Amendment to the United States constitution, the letter shall constitute my written declaration that I am presently unable to discharge the powers and duties of the office of the President of the United States. Pursuant to section 3, the Vice President shall discharge these powers and duties as Acting President until I transmit to you a written declaration that I am able to resume the discharge of those powers and duties.


Joseph Biden, President of the United States of America." 

As I read and meditate on the soothing contents of this letter, my heart bleeds for Nigeria, my country because I was also reflecting on how difficult it has always been for Nigerian leaders (and followers) to do the needful even in critical and glaring cases of incapacitation. I remember, for instance, how difficult it was for power to be transferred to the then Vice President, Goodluck Ebele Jonathan when Late President Umaru Yar'Adua became very sick I'll and eventually died. In fact, there are clearly indications that most Nigerian leaders would rather prefer to die in power than to die honouring the constitution they sow to protect which should not be the case.

But, by the way, what is the secret of America's breakthrough in constitution and constitutionalism? Coyle (1957) provides a hint as follow: 'The (American) Federal Government created by the constitution was a synthetic sovereign state and it was made, not born; the living flesh that now covers it's bones has been added by men who have made it to work - That is, by Americans practice the art of political and sometimes of statesmanship.' In other words, pramatic - cum -patriotic involvement and engagement of the citizenry is the magic behind America's towering profile in constitutionalism!

The constitution is the ground norm of a society or country. In the profound words of Madison (1957), one of the most respected 'Founding Fathers' and signatories to America's historic Constitution which heralded the country's independence on July 4, 1776, "The aim of every political constitution is, or ought to be, first, to obtain for rulers men who possess most wisdom to discern and most virtue to pursue the common good of the society and; in the next place, to take the most effectual precautions for keeping them virtuous while they continue to hold their public trust." A very noble objective here but,often times, hard to be realised especially in developing countries like Nigeria that seems to be suffocating from many developmental contradictions.

Muhammad, Nazariah and Isa (2019) observed generally that, "The process of evolution/attainment and development of nation/statehood is not achieved overnight mistakes are made, lessons are learned; considerations, concession, compromises, sacrifices, loses, and gains are made; symbiotic, parasitic or commensalism relations and co-habitation occur and do change with time and circumstances; conflicts of different dimensions occur and never ending, while controversies trail some other issues, even wars are sometimes fought and reconciliations made in the long or short run." The scholars further observed that "This is typical to the Nigerian state and her evolution and development process." What this implies is that Nigeria's development trajectory is fractured or dislocated by myriad problems and, therefore, in need of structural face-lift and constitutional coherence through ultruistic motivations and patriotic pragmatism. But what is Patriotism, by the way?

Patriotism is the emotional attachment and love for ones country. It is an intrinsic and instinctive drive toward the achievement of pubic or national interest; instead of parochial or personal interest that is often rooted in greed fed by corruption. Patriotism is the oil that lubricates the wheel of nationalism which can be described, succinctly, as the emotive desire for self determination from all forms of serfdom or slavery. It is the anchor of hope for national liberation and transformation which is in all things most desirable in every given circumstance.

National transformation can be seen as holistic and spontaneous change in the structural configuration of a country. It has to do with sustained breakthrough in all facets of a country's life, be it economic, social, political, security and diplomatic relations. This breakthrough, for all intents and purposes, has to be seen to be practically reflecting in the overall welfare and security of the lives and properties of the citizenry. This is exactly the level of development every nation, and Nigeria in particular, craves for obvious reasons.

To be frank, the intense clamour for constitutional revolution or restructuring in Nigeria, especially, in the current democratic dispensation that began in 1999, is a clear pointer that most Nigerians are disinchanted with the slow pace of development in the country, given its abundant blessings in both human and material resources.

Despite Nigeria's huge potentials for development, most of the country's development indices: Human Development Index (HDI) which covers knowledge, purchasing power and Life Expectancy; Macroeconomic Indicators like unemployment and poverty, economic growth, inflation, interest rate, etc.; Terrorism Index and Corruption Index if not all, are showing bad signals. For instance, for  Nigeria's unemployment rate was as high as 33.3 percent throughout the last quarter of 2020 (Olurounbi, 2021). Apart from being rated 'the poverty capital of the world' from 2019 and still maintains status with over 86 million out of the over 209 million of it people living in abject poverty; it is ranked, 146th position out of 180 countries, as one of the most corrupt countries in the world too and also the Third most terrorised countries after Afghanistan and Iraq (World Data Lab, 2021,Transparency [TI] International, 2021 and Institute of Economic and Peace [IEP], 2021 respectively). Hence, the need to make adjustments as passionately convassed by many but nearly frustrated appostles of restructuring in the country. 

The main thesis of this reflective expository essay is that the hope of Nigeria's breakthrough lies in the capacity to make the country's restructuring agenda human driven. This is because the human factor is the single most important resource that could make or mare the ambition to develop. It takes human beings (citizens) to mobilise other resources, make good laws and ensure they are followed to the later. With pragmatic and patriotic citizens who are garnished or baked with sound emotional, social, intellectual and moral capital, changing the relevant aspects of the Nigerian constitution as the first step toward restructuring and living by the laws (constitutionalism) after they have been changed, will be a work over exercise. In other words, with constitutionalism sustained by patriotism, Nigeria's dream of achieving greatness is guaranteed, all things being equal.

We cannot afford to live under the ellusion that all is well in Nigeria; there are challenges, really, "But we must set new aims And go on growing that one day we may be The respected equals of all other nations" as Hendrik Lund (2012) will put it. There is hope for Nigeria: You and I can make the country work and for the good of all of us!

(Modest Thoughts with Ayuba Yilgak'ha, November 26, 2023; SMS: 08116181263; Email:


Coyle, C. D. (1957). The United States political system and how it works. New York: Hansard Society for Parliamentary Government London.

2. Olorounbi, R. (2021). Nigeria's unemployment rate rises to 33%, second highest on global list. Retrieved November 26, 2021.

3. IEP (2021). Global terrorism index 2020:  Measuring impact of terrorism. Retrieved November 26, 2021.

4. World Data Lab (2021). World poverty clock. Retrieved November 26, 2021.


 Professor Dakas CJ Dakas has in strong terms expressed sadness over the deliberate act aimed and
frightening the Irigwe nation into giving up what rightly was given to the by God.

He said this act of wickedness and senselessness in killing people must not discourage the Irigwe and other affected communities but should build their spirits of collective resistance and stand firm as a people created and made to exist by God.

Professor Dakas who described the yet another killing of persons and destruction of property in Ta'agbe Community as sad challenged security agencies to restore some form of confidence in the people by arresting perpetrators of these repeated heinous crimes and bring them to book.

He commiserates with the Irigwe nation and also called for the activation of more synergized and proactive community intelligence gathering and activation of signals as well as prompt response by security agencies to nip such in the bud.

He prayed God to comfort families and grant rest to the departed souls .

Sunday 13 June 2021


The dust over the implementation of autonomy for the Judicial and Legislative Arms of Government across the country has been settled in Plateau State, with the three arms of Government reaching an agreement after series of negotiations on modalities for its operations. 

Governor Simon Bako Lalong disclosed this at a dinner and lecture to mark Democracy Day 2021 at the Banquet Hall of the New Government House, Little Rayfield Jos on Saturday June 12th. 

Lalong said prior to the clamour for implementation of autonomy across the nation, his administration had put in place structures for autonomy and even implemented some aspects. This include establishing the Judicial Service Commission and the House of Assembly Service Commission which are the administrative fulcrums of the two arms of Government among others. 

He said with the agreement reached on modalities for implementation, he has directed that all funds accruing to the two arms of Government should immediately be transferred to them. This he said will continue to be the practice henceforth. 

Based on the arrangement, after every FAAC monthly allocations are recieved and Internally Generated Revenues ascertained, statutory charges and liabilities will be deducted before each arm of Government are given what belongs to them. 

The Governor who thanked the Speaker of the House of the Assembly and the Chief Judge for their understanding and cooperation throughout the negotiations, said there is no winner no vanquished. He then called on Judiciary and Legislative workers unions to ensure they get back to work immediately as anything short will amount to absence from duty which attracts "no work no pay". 

The Governor also recieved the report of the Judicial Panel of Enquiry on Police Brutality from the Chairman, Retired Justice Philomina Lot who said they recieved over a hundred petitions and struck out a few, but had many petitioners appear to make their cases. 

The Governor assured that the State will implement all the recommendations relating to it and forward those concerning the Federal Government and its agencies appropriately. 

Guest Lecturer Prof. Andrew Zamani, DG ITF Sir Joseph Ari, and acting DG NIPSS Gen. Udaya rtd  all commended Governor Lalong for pursuing peace and tackling insecurity which has brought about investment and development in the State. 

Deputy Governor Prof. Sonny Tyoden and Secretary to the Government of the State, Prof. Danladi Abok Atu used the commemoration of the two years of the second tenure to reaffirm the commitment of the Lalong Rescue Administration to implement all it projects and fulfil its campaign promises. 

Dr. Makut Simon Macham 
Director of Press & Public Affairs to the Governor of Plateau State. 
13th June 2021

Wednesday 21 April 2021


Following the approval by the Federal Government for Plateau State to participate in the ongoing National Identity Management System (NIMS) which is implemented by the National Identity Management Commission under the Digital Identity Ecosystem project, the State Government has rolled out its first NIN Registration Centre in Jos.


The NIN Data Registration Centre located at the JD Gomwalk Secretariat Jos is the first of the State's intervention to ensure that indigenes and residents of the State are enrolled into the National Identity Data Base (NIDB) for the issuance of the National Identity Number (NIN) with ease.

 The roll out which is expected to gradually be extended to the 17 Local Governments, is being coordinated by the Plateau State Information, Communication and Technology Development Agency (PICTDA) and the Ministry of Science and Technology, who were directed by Governor Simon Bako Lalong to serve as implementing partners after the approval was secured.


Already, the agency with the collaboration of the NIMC has trained enrollment officers across the State to operate the enrollment exercise. NIMC officials are also providing support throughout the process of registration and roll out of Centres to ensure the exercise is smooth. 


Citizens and residents are therefore advised to approach the Plateau State Secretariat Enrollment Centre situated at the Maintenance Building after the main entrance to the J.D. Gomwalk Secretariat with relevant documents to be captured.

 Supporting document for Enrolment include:

1. Birth Certificate 

2. International Passport

3. Driver’s license

4. Voters card 

5. Private/governmental ID Card.

6. Indigene certificate.


The Plateau State Government is hopeful that the roll out of the Registration Centres will further enhance service delivery in payroll and tax verifications, payments, scholarship awards, enrolment in schools, provision of health care especially as related to the PLASCHEMA, land administration, agricultural support and other related services performed by the different Ministries Departments and Agencies in the State. 

 Dr. Makut Simon Macham 

Director of Press & Public Affairs to the Governor of Plateau State. 

19th April 2021


Sunday 11 April 2021

PAAAVART Advocated for the Use of Sport to Promote Peaceful Coexistence


Sport has been described as a veritable tool in the promotion of peaceful and harmonious coexistence, President of Peace Advancement, Action Against Violence and Rape Foundation Lady Vivien Abara stated this during an event organized by the NGO to marked the international day for sport and development for peace.

The event which had a theme “only together will we play and dance again” took place at Jos Museum Auditorium.

Lady Abara reiterated that sport strengthened social ties and provide sustainable development and peace as well as solidarity and respect through individual’s unique skills and collective power. She said “we can come together and share creative ways to improve our health, wellbeing, our goal and happiness through physical activities like dancing”.

She explained that in celebrating this year event dancing was added because, the foundation was unable to carry out the normal sporting activities because of the restriction put in place due to the Covid 19 pandemic. “This however, provided us the opportunity to invite several other communities across board for them to come together to laugh, discuss and be friends again” she added.

Lady Abara maintained that International Day For Sport And Development For Peace 2021 looked to reaffirmed the place of sport in recovering from the pandemic and beyond, to foster equality, solidarity, communities in team spirit in response to the pandemic, encouraged healthy habit through physical activities and emotional wellbeing and inspire hope through sporting analogy, with collective efforts we aim to strengthened the peaceful coexistence of the people of this state and the country atlarge.

“As we celebrate today I called on all groups and stakeholders in the state to strive for for togetherness to building a unified block of peace, to bridge the gap across all tribes, ethnic group, culture or tribe. Let us continue to play and dance together for development and peace; let us come together and end the fight and leave as one” she noted.    

Resources persons Prince Charles Diction and Kabiru Garba Mai Akwala both said the country need genuine peace and sporting activities are a powerful driver towards harmonious coexistent and nation building.

In a goodwill message The Director General Plateau State Peace Building Agency Joseph Lengman and Matron of the Foundation Professor Patricia Lar of the Department of Microbiology University of Jos both eulogized PAAAVART for organizing the event, while calling on Nigerians to key into the initiatives.

Joseph Lengman noted that the event is very important; saying what the society need to day is social cohesion, noting that over the years the society was too divided, and to repair the fracture relationship and make sure that we understand one another, we need to come together.

He said If there is any event that can push such an agenda is this occasion where you see young people coming together to play to meet people from other religion, tribes and ethnicity this means a lot and that underscores the importance of this event.

Lengman reemphasized that everywhere in the world sport brings people together, noting that sports, arts and music create an opportunity for people to come together. 


Professor Patricia Lar said peace is a desire of every community and sport is needed to be organized to allowed room for interaction, saying that sport is indeed a melting point for people coming together. “Peace is a currency for every individual, we need peace to grow, it is very important for the development of our nation. Lack of peace hampers general wellbeing of individuals” she added.   

Other line-up of activities to marked the day was board games and dance competition as while as presentation of awards and certificates.

Saturday 27 March 2021


 Chairman of Northern Governors Forum and Governor of Plateau State, Simon Bako Lalong says all tiers of Government in Nigeria must as a matter of urgency cut down on the high cost of Governance in order to fund critical areas of development that will address challenges of Nigerians. 

 Governor Lalong said this while delivering the 11th Annual Memorial Lecture in honour of late Sir Ahmadu Bello at the Arewa House, Kaduna. 

 Governor Lalong whose lecture was entitled "Reducing the Cost of Governance for Inclusive Growth and Youth Development in Post COVID-19 Northern Nigeria" said the high cost of governance has further increased the inability of the governments at all levels to meet the basic needs of the people. 

 He said factors such as corruption, insecurity, large number of Government appointees, high salaries, corruption, among others are among some of the factors that drive the high cost of governance in the country. He insisted that this must be addressed immediately to change the trajectory of growth in Nigeria and the North in particular. 

 Lalong said the high cost of governance has worsened the standard of living in the Northern part of the country which continues to battle with infrastructure deficit, poverty, illiteracy, culture of patronage laziness, diseases and insecurity. 

 He said the Northern Governors Forum has seriously examined the economic situation in the region and is working in unison to address the high cost of governance and other obstacles to development. 

 Chief of Staff to the President, Prof. Ibrahim Gambari who represented President Muhammadu Buhari said the Federal Government has continued to implement various cut-cutting measures to reduce the cost of governance and free resources for development. 

 He said so far, the results are positive and the Federal Government will work with State Governments including those of the Northern region in adopting measure that will reduce huge spending and wastages so that funds will be available for development. 

 Chairman of the occassion, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu said the discourse is timely as the nation needs to prioritise its spending and get more resources towards addressing the problems of the common man.

 The Lecture was attended by many dignitaries from across the country as well as Governors from the northern region. 

 Awards were bestowed on six former Governors of the Northern region who served meritoriouly and founded the Arewa House. Among them is former Governor of Benue Plateau State, late Joseph Gomwalk.

 Dr. Makut Simon Macham 

Director of Press & Public Affairs to the Governor of Plateau State. 

27th March 2021.


Tuesday 23 March 2021


 By Orgak Walbe

Since his inauguration as the Senator Representing Plateau Central Senatorial District at the National Assembly the positive impact of Hezakiah Dimka is undeniable been felt not only in the central zone but the state atlarge.

Working with the conventional calendar, two years might be seeming as too long for the provision of dividend of democracy to be felt, to some it is a mark of failure therefore, changes must be made regardless of whatever the situations. All of these are right in their own ways, but as in all life situations what matters most is not the beginning but the ending.

True to type, to some Senator Hezekiah might be slow at the beginning, but that should not in any way be seen as a mark of flaw or letdown because in every life accomplishment most of the actions carried out hastily never stand the test of time, therefore, it is pertinent for any right thinking person to appropriately set exceptional strategies in motion through appropriate planning.

If you failed to plan, then you have failed already and the ending will always be catastrophic; just as a vehicle a changes gears at the start with slow motion and gradually picking up speed so does any good planning and strategies.

Two years at the Senate Chamber was a period of strategizing and planning, Hezekiah Dimka larger than life image as well as his legendry simple and unassuming personality had greatly endeared him to the heart of people that had come in close contact with him.

No sooner had Senator Hezekiah Ayuba Dimka was inaugurated on the 11th June, 2019 into the red chamber to represent the cherish people of the Plateau Central Senatorial District that he embarked on vigorous appraisal of situation on ground with the aim at providing purposeful representation guided with the philosophy of peace, unity and love anchor on the moral obligation that he will never let tribalism, religion nepotism, ethnic biasness or political witch-hunt get in the way of representation.

His scorecards at the senate as seen to the bill for the establishment of the Institute of Information and Communication Technology Kanam, Bill for the upgrade of NDLEA Training Institute, Jos, advocacy and sensitization on Narcotic Drugs and rehabilitation programme, empowerment programme for 150 Youths and Women across the constituency, rural electrification project and solar power project in the senatorial district, employment of youths into federal establishments, this is just to mention a few as over 600 beneficiaries of Federal Government Survival Fund courtesy distinguished Senator Dimka receives their N30,000 grant across the five LGAS of Plateau Central with the assurance that the beneficiaries of the other categories of the Survival Fund would be verified soon and payment effected on time.

The social media propaganda against Senator Hezakiah Dimka is an exercise in futility and has failed woefully because he has proven his mettle at the upper Chamber.

His uncommon spirit of undiluted patriotism for his fatherland, coupled with his abundant philanthropic endeavors’ particularly in his home state, whom he treasured profoundly and so zealously, are indeed potent demonstrations of Distinguished Senator Hezekiah Dimka great and enduring legacies and no political or media conspiracy will take that from him.


By Ayuba Yilgak'ha No nation could attain meaningful and sustained development in the atmosphere of turbulence and chaos. For a nation t...