Tuesday 28 February 2017

Governor Lalong Commissions 15 Operational Vehicles for VIOs

With effort to complement the resume agenda of government, about 15 ford vans and two potholes pitchers Howo have been distributed to the department of Vehicle Inspection  Officer (VIO) by Governor Simon Bako Lalong.
The Governor while commissioning the operational vehicles at the headquarters of VIO at Old Airport Road in Jos, Plateau State on Wednesday, Febeuary 8, pledged his administration’s readiness to improve the wellbeing of Plateau citizens by providing them with quality lives for effective good governance.
He declared that under his government no time will be wasted or delayed in construction of new roads among all other contracts awarded by government.
Lalong reassured citizens of the state of provision of conductive atmosphere in the area of road management. He charged the ministry to strengthen the awardable laws and commence the process of revenue collection on vehicles to ensure that there is improvement on vehicle taxes.
The governor called on all commuters to cooperate with the VIO
He condemned the use of bombs across and road block, those commissioning with help to address the challenges of traffic road laws in the state.
He assured of sending to regulate the movement of vehicles on our highway in the state to check the activities by eschewed all corruption tendencies to publish.
The vehicles are strictly for public use not for private by warning the commissioner to make sure that no vehicle is used for works, Plateau State, Hon. Pam Dongs said, commissioning for operational vehicles which is the first to wines the clear manifestation of rescue mission.
He said, the duty of VIO is to help towards improving revenue generation in the state, release or funds toward operation potholes within Jos, Bukuru Metropolis.
Dongs promised to ensure good maintenance of the newly purchases vehicle revenue generation and pitching of potholes within the state capital.

The permanent secretary, Engr. Sunday Hyat disclosed that this commissioning has boosted the yearnings and aspirations of the people and urged the VIO to make good use of this operational vehicles to good use.


Gentlemen of the press
I welcome all of you to the first in the series of briefings for the year 2017. This year, we are beginning in February because of a modification in the schedule of our activities. By this arrangement, the briefing will henceforth hold only in the last two months of every quarter. What this means is that in the second quarter of the year, we will meet here only in May and June; in the third quarter, it will be August and September, while that of the fourth quarter will be featured in November and December.
You will realize that this edition is essentially a recap of the milestones recorded from the beginning of the administration. While this is intended to bring you up to speed on areas that have been covered, there are additions which suggest that much more is still being done in spite of the state of economic affairs.
We are happy that what we started together last year has progressed steadily with your cooperation, support and commitment. Indeed, there is no greater joy than having to share the glory of our efforts with all of you who have lent your time, energy and intellect to this monthly exercise. I hope will we continue this way for the benefit of our state. I crave your attention as we begin once again.
One of the highpoints of the administration’s efforts to turn around the fortunes of the state were the measures taken to improve revenue generation and block leakages in financial operations. In this light, the administration ensured the full implementation of the International Public Sector Accounting Standard (IPSAS); the governor has consequently approved the production of IPSAS Cash Basic Accounting User Manual Volume I & II.
Also undertaken at the inception of the administration was the verification, valuation and documentation of fixed and moveable assets of ministries and agencies in the state. This project is necessary for the migration from cash basis to Accrual Basis of IPSAS.
A process for the recovery of unapplied interest and excess charges on current account maintained by Plateau State Government bank is on. Consequently, demand notice has been served on the affected commercial bank and motion filed in court towards the recovery.
An accounting firm has been engaged for a forensic audit and reconciliation of all Plateau State Government investment in equities in the capital market. 
A BVN matching service for state employees and pensioners was carried out. At the end of the exercise, 579 person were taken off the salary payroll for various reasons, saving N68, 554,694.27 monthly for the state. Additionally, 101 persons out of this number are to make a combined refund of N76, 763,551.15 for staying in service beyond their terminal dates.
Effort is being made towards full reconciliation of all debt of the state. This has led to the restructuring of previous administration’s debt at a lower interest rate. As at September 2016, the total debt portfolio was N110, 812,286.79 out of which N16, 561,983,097.20 has been paid.
A total of N14.16 billion was approved as budget facility for the state. The state started drawing the facility from June 2016. The total collection to date is N7.47 billion with an outstanding of N6.69 billion to be accessed.
Government has kept faith with payment of salaries to civil servant and pensioners, and has also paid arrears of promotion, annual increment, etc.
One of the goals of this administration is to complete project inherited from the last administration. Consequently, on assumption of office, the administration took over the remodeling of the Plateau State Governor’s Lodge at Asokoro, Abuja which has  now been completed, furnished and occupied.
Furthermore, government has acquired five hectares of land at Lamingo for the new national housing project. Compensation has been paid and title issued to the Federal Ministry of Power Work and Housing preparatory to the commencement of the project.
22,500 housing units are to be constructed at nine sites under Public Private Sector participation scheme. Developers have been approved for the purpose.
An MoU has also been signed for another housing programme in the state. Under this programme 7500 housing units are to be built across the three senatorial zones with 4500 in the northern zone and 1500 each in the central and southern zones.
Several township roads within the capital city have been earmarked for rehabilitation and the process for the award of contract is already in progress.
The present administration is especially supportive of activities that, among others, promote the Sustainable Goals (SDGs).
In the regard, it has supported the many efforts to protect the child, such as the formation of the Technical Working Group (TWG) on violence against children.
Furthermore, the ministry developed the state specific Priority Action across sectors relevant to child protection, following which the final document was launched by the state governor in September 2016.
Training for MDGs, CSOs, CON, FBOs and other stakeholders has also been undertaken in collaboration with UNICEF. This is aimed at equipping stakeholders with the skill to handle cases of violence against children in the state.
Under its skills development program, the ministry trained nineteen people in knitting, sewing, cosmology.
At inception, this administration deployed the lean finances at its disposal for the patching and rehabilitation of some major roads and streets in the Jos-Bukuru metropolis. This was undertaken by the Plateau State Roads Maintenance Agency in the total sum of Nr525,675,690.30.
Since then, the following new road contracts have been awarded, all totaling N3,980,969,215.78 billion Rantya road network; Wildlife Park-Rafiki Junction and rehabilitation of Miango junction; Kalong bridge and road approaches; Plateau State University, Bokkos; Dokan Tofa Kasuwa, and total bridge in Shendam.
Furthermore, contract for 16 more road projects have been advertised. They are Maraban Demshin Shimankar road with spurs to Dhargan-Angwan Rina-Angwan Dadi Kalong-Nyak road; Dokan Tofa Ba’ap Kurgwi road with spur to Lardan, Bwal, Kwor and Tim; Shinkwan-Tunkus (Shendam bye pass) road; Wase –Kadarko –Dadin kowa road; Dengi-Bashar-Gajin Bashar road; Dengi-Kwalmiya Dugub-Gagdi road; Dwaki-Gyangyang-Seri –Amper road and Lankang –Dyis-Kagu-Sihid road.
Others are Mangu bye pass, Kuba-Tenti-Maunga-Daffo road Kpsho-chakarum-Kogom-Vwang road with spur to Vom Vet; Bet-Dorowa-Mazat-Kuba road with spur to Nding; Fobur-Naton-Fursa-Maijuju-Zandi road; Tahoss-Ganawuri road with spur to Dahreng; Wase-Gimbi road and Lohmak-Gazum with spur Kumkwam.
Payment of approved CVs to some contractors for continuation of work on some ongoing projects today stands at N5,346,233,052.69.
Payment of N2,448,544,578.90, out of the contract N3, 498,273,087.08 has also been made for three new road projects and three direct labor works.
In its desire to promote public health, the administration has been forthcoming in its responsibility to the health sector. On assumption  of office, the governor gave approval for the release of takeoff grant for the Plateau State Primary Health Care Development Board.
One of the highpoints of activities in this sector during this period was the containment of the recent Lassa fever outbreak in which no casually was recorded. The state, through the ministry, was awarded a prize among four states for best reporting during the outbreak in the country.

On behalf of my colleagues from the various ministries, I thank you for your time and attention. God bless.

Plateau Tertiary Institutions to Benefit from ICT, Computer Training

The Chairman Plateau State Chapter of the Nigeria Computer Society of Nigeria, Mr. Silas Vem has advised youth groups to enroll for further information technology in other to brace up with ICT in wealth creation.
He called on citizens of the country to take advantage of the technological development to create opportunities to address challenges the current recession has created.
The major focus of governor Lalong led administration is to mobilize the mandate of advanced development ICT on the plateau which practice everywhere in the world today.
He said that this is an amazing opportunity most young ones are looking forward to seeing themselves Organize to stimulate the interest and exposing them.
Vem said  the one day symposium on ICT developing mobile solution to tertiary institutions across the state to  brainstorm on revenue generation.
Speaking to Journalists at the main campus of Plateau state polytechnic Barkin LADI on Tuesday ,Daniel Dung Dalyop encourages private and public sector investors in the state.
He said, the e-government refers to the use of internet technology as a platform for exchange information, providing services and transaction with citizen, business and other arms of government..
Dalyop pointed out "we ensure the successful implementation of customers project by maintaining the balance in various aspects which can affect the project such as the suggestion of best available options .
He reiterated further that Governor Lalong led administration has took a bolt step to partner with mobiles development solution to boost the income of youth in the state .
According to him, the workshop aimed at exposing the knowledge and potential in developing applications which can connect communities for easy business transaction.
He added that ," our expert team of technology and business consultants are to bring variety of knowledge and skills in addition to our industry in Nigeria and from around the world.
Dalyop explained that ,Lalong government is poised to provide conducive atmosphere for the private sector to grow regardless the dwellings business in the state.

The keynote address by professor (Tanko Ishaya said that the youth should take advantage of the technology advancement to improve their lives. 

World Cancer Day Observed in Plateau

Plateau State Chapter of the Civil Society for Cancer Eradication in Nigeria ( CiSCANEN), joined the rest of the world in observing World Cancer Day to help unite people on the fight against cancer. The event was held on 4th of February, 2017.

The State Coordinator of CiSCANEN, Mr. Tokbish Yohanna, disclosed this, while on a courtesy visit to the State Commissioner for Information and Communication, Malam Muhammad Nazif, in his office at the JD Gomwalk Secretariat Jos.

He said, World Cancer Day was established by the Paris Charter and adopted at the World Summit Against Cancer for the New Millennium in Paris on 4th February 2000 saying," this charter aimed at the promotion of the research for curing as well as preventing the disease, upgrading the provided services to the patients, the sensitization of the common opinion and the mobilization of the global community against cancer.

"Since cancer knows no boundaries and individuals countries cannot address the challenges of cancer in isolation, a new cooperative approach to research, advocacy, prevention and treatment must be established. Plateau State Chapter considers this a privilege to map out strategies to ensuring that the state is taking with all seriousness by the entire Plateau people, it can be achievable if a holistic approach", Yohanna stressed.

      The State Coordinator, therefore,  solicited for the support of the state ministry for Information and Communication in dissemination of information to the nook and cranny of the state to help educate people on the importance of early cancer check up.

Responding, the State Commissioner for Information and Communication, Malam Muhammad Nazif, commended the wife of Governor Her Excellency, Mrs. Regina SB Lalong, for initiating a programme that would eradicate cancer in the state and promised the ministry's support by creating awareness to the public.

      Plateau State Chapter of the Civil For Cancer EradicationIn Nigeria ( CiSCANEN), would join the rest of the world in observing World Cancer Day to help unite people on the fight against cancer  next month, the 4th of February, 2017.

The State Coordinator of CiSCANEN, Mr. Tokbish Yohanna, disclosed this yesterday, while on a courtesy visit to the State Commissioner for Information and Communication, Malam Muhammad Nazif, in his office at the JD Gomwalk Secretariat Jos.

He said, World Cancer Day was established by the Paris Charter and adopted at the World Summit Against Cancer for the New Millennium in Paris on 4th February 2000 saying," this charter aimed at the promotion of the research for curing as well as preventing the disease, upgrading the provided services to the patients, the sensitization of the common opinion and the mobilization of the global community against cancer.

"Since cancer knows no boundaries and individuals countries cannot address the challenges of cancer in isolation, a new cooperative approach to research, advocacy, prevention and treatment must be established. Plateau State Chapter considers this a privilege to map out strategies to ensuring that the state is taking with all seriousness by the entire Plateau people, it can be achievable if a holistic approach", Yohanna stressed.

The State Coordinator, therefore,  solicited for the support of the state ministry for Information and Communication in dissemination of information to the nook and cranny of the state to help educate people on the importance of early cancer check up.

Responding, the State Commissioner for Information and Communication, Malam Muhammad Nazif, commended the wife of Governor Her Excellency, Mrs. Regina SB Lalong, for initiating a programme that would eradicate cancer in the state and promised the ministry's support by creating awareness to the public.

MINISTRY OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION, PLATEAU STATE,highlights of activities so far undertaken in pursuit of the Rescue Agenda

Being highlights of activities so far undertaken in pursuit of the Rescue Agenda. Excerpted from the monthly press briefing of the Plateau State Ministry of Information and Communication, they signpost the development efforts of the APC-led administration in the state. Especially, they hint at the states enormous potential which is being realized through the instrumentality of the Five-Pillar Policy Thrust.  

In line with its mandate, the Office of the Head of Civil Service (OHCS) ensures effective and efficient implementation of government policies and programmes. At the inception of the APC-led administration in the state, a number of ministries were restructured to help actualize the vision which finds expression in the Five-Pillar Policy Thrust. The Ministry of Science and Technology was merged with the Ministry of Education (Higher Education) to become Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology; Ministry of Mineral Development, merged with Ministry of Environment to become Ministry of Environment and Mineral Development; Ministry of Transport, merged with Ministry of Works to become Ministry of Works and Transport; and Ministry of Sports Development, merged with Ministry of Youth to become Ministry of Youth and Sports Development.  
In conjunction with the Civil Service Commission and the Teachers Service Commission, OHCS facilitated the promotion of over 7000 senior staff who had been stagnated for years due to the embargo placed by the last administration. Furthermore, 66 civil servants sat for the civil service examination to qualify them for promotion, while in-service training/study leave was granted to 157 officers for the 2015/2016 academic year. In the same vein, 63 civil servants have registered for the Professional Officers Induction Course. It is pertinent to note that the number declined due to the last administrations embargo on employment.
In line with governments desire to enroll civil servants for the defined Contributory Pension Scheme, collection and collation of relevant data for the process to has commenced. As it is, 50 MDAs have submitted their data which have been sent to the consultant, Rimafin Consult for actuarial valuation.
The atmosphere for industrial peace has also been created by the administration by its worker-friendly disposition. It would be recalled that the administration inherited a disenchanted work force owing to non-payment of salaries for upwards of eight months. As it stands, salary and pension arrears have been cleared while 515 new pensioners who have been without pension for years have been added to the pension list.
Worthy of note also is that the 35th edition of the Federation of the Public Service Games was hosted by Plateau State from November 23rd to December 3rd, 2016. This, no doubt, is attributable to the general atmosphere of peace, harmony and tranquility created by the leader of the rescue team, Rt. Hon. Simon Lalong.
One of the highpoints of the administration’s efforts to turn around the fortunes of the state were the measures taken to improve revenue generation and block leakages in financial operations. In this light, the administration ensured the full implementation of the International Public Sector Accounting Standard (IPSAS); the governor has consequently approved the production of IPSAS Cash Basis Accounting User Manual Volume I & II.
Also undertaken at the inception of the administration was the verification, valuation and documentation of fixed and moveable assets of ministries and agencies in the state. This project is necessary for the migration from cash basis to Accrual Basis of IPSAS. 
A process for the recovery of unapplied interest and excess charges on current accounts maintained by Plateau State Government banks is on. Consequently, demand notice has been served on the affected commercial banks and motion filed in court towards the recovery. 
An accounting firm has been engaged for a forensic audit and reconciliation of all Plateau State Government investments in equities in the capital market.
A BVN matching service for state employees and pensioners was carried out. At the end of the exercise, 579 persons were taken off the salary payroll for various reasons, saving N68,554,694.27 monthly for the state. Additionally, 101 persons out of this number are to make a combined refund of N76,763,551.15 for staying in service beyond their terminal dates.
Efforts are being made towards full reconciliation of all debts of the state. This has led to the restructuring of previous administrations debt at a lower interest rate. As at September 2016, the total debt portfolio was N110,812,789,286.79 out of which N16,561,983,097.20 has been paid.
A total of N14.16 billion was approved as budget facility for the state. The state started drawing the facility from June 2016. The total collection to date is N7.47 billion with an outstanding of N6.69 billion to be accessed.
Government has kept faith with payment of salaries to civil servants and pensioners, and has also paid arrears of promotion, annual increments, etc.  

The ministry received 82 criminal cases from different justice sectors of which legal advice has been proffered. In addition, 75 criminal cases were filed within the period.
Furthermore, 150 cases have been disposed of and 40 convictions obtained.
In the area of civil litigation, 38 cases have been disposed of and 778 are pending in various courts.
Under Legal Drafting, 6 Executive bills were drafted and 4 of these bills have been passed into law; two (2) of the bills are still pending before the Plateau State House of Assembly. So also, 20 contracts have been drafted while 25 MoUs have been vetted.
Meanwhile, under Citizens Right and Law Reform, 70 complaints and petitions were received; 53 of them are pending and being handled. Furthermore, the ministry has embarked on the revision of 15 laws of various MDAs both at the State and Local Government levels. Some of these are before the State Executive Council while others are receiving legislative attention in the House of Assembly.

This ministry continues to keep tabs on the affairs of the local governments in a manner that ensures effective administration of the councils.
Under this dispensation, a number of measures have been taken, leading to increased revenue generation. Some of these measures are: diversification of the local government revenue base, introduction of customized revenue receipts, review of rates, among others. 
Agricultural activities in the Local Government Areas are also being encouraged and supported by the present administration. For instance, counterpart funds have been paid to Fadama III in respect of LGAs which have competitive advantage in Irish potato farming. This is expected to boost the production of this crop in the state. 
The administration also sees the traditional institution as a key part of the peace process in the state. It is for this, among other reasons that the APC-led government has ensured that vacant stools are filled while efforts are also being made to fill those still vacant. 

The administration has since inception undertaken to resuscitate such ventures as the burnt Jos Main Market, the Jos International Breweries (JIB) Plc, the Kabong Market, Highland Bottling Company and the Inland Container Depot. Accordingly, partnerships/agreements have been entered into with various firms to achieve this goal.
In the same vein, contractors have visited the Pioneer Milling Company at Zalaki to commence a plant audit of the facility. A project delivery team has been constituted for the monitoring and evaluation of the work being done.
Furthermore, Fertilizer Blending Plants at Bokkos and Foron are receiving governments attention.  Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) have now been signed with two different companies for the revamping of the plant at Bokkos and for the establishment of the one sited at Foron. 

Government procured and distributed 777 trucks (over 400,000 bags) of fertilizer to farmers at subsidized rate during the 2016 cropping season.
Government also purchased and distributed improved seedlings of tomatoes and Irish potatoes to farmers at subsidized rates.
So also, the state government signed an MoU with a company, Greenlands Integrated Agribusiness Limited for the setting-up of the following: storage facilities, fruits and vegetable storage, milk packaging plant and dairy/pig, swine genetic centre, poultry processing plant, and Integrated (wind and solar power) Generation Plant. 
Within this period too, government also signed an MoU with SOLBEC Ltd. for the resuscitation of the long abandoned Panyam Fish Farm.
Water treatment plants have been resuscitated in Shendam, Pankshin and Bokkos even as several kilometers of old water pipelines are being replaced/repaired within the Jos/Bukuru metropolis.
340 boreholes are being drilled in Riyom and Shendam. This is being supported by the EU-UNICEF Project through the Plateau Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Agency.
Power supply restored to communities such as Miango, Datti-Zawan, Kung-Bwana, Du, Karon-Foron which have experienced power failure for several years.
A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed with William Duncan Hydroelectric for 32 MW hydro power project in Kwall, Bassa LGA.
One of the goals of this administration is to complete projects inherited from the last administration. Consequently, on assumption of office, the administration took over the remodeling of the Plateau State Governors Lodge at Asokoro, Abuja which has now been completed, furnished and occupied.
Furthermore, government has acquired five hectares of land at Lamingo for the new national housing project. Compensation has been paid and title issued to the Federal Ministry of Power, Works and Housing preparatory to the commencement of the project.
22,500 housing units are to be constructed at nine sites under the Public Private Sector participation scheme. Developers have been approved for the purpose.
An MoU has also been signed for another housing programme in the state. Under this programme, 7500 housing units are to be built across the three senatorial zones with 4500 in the northern zone and 1500 each in the central and southern zones.
Several township roads within the capital city have been earmarked for rehabilitation and the process for the award of contract is already in progress.  
The present administration is especially supportive of activities that, among others, promote the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  
In this regard, it has supported the many efforts designed to protect the child, such as the formation of the Technical Working Group (TWG) on violence against children.
Furthermore, the ministry developed the State specific Priority Actions across sectors relevant to child protection, following which the final document was launched by the state governor in September 2016.
Training for MDAs, CSOs, CPN, FBOs and other stakeholders has also been undertaken in collaboration with UNICEF. This is aimed at equipping stakeholders with the skill to handle cases of violence against children in the state.
Under its skills development program, the ministry trained nineteen people in knitting, sewing, cosmetology, catering and bead making at the end of which they received some support for take-off. And, in collaboration with the Sir Ahmadu Bello Foundation, 100 women and youth also underwent training in catering, fabric, dyeing, poultry and cosmetics.
A partnership was also entered into with the Industrial Training Fund (ITF) to train 60 women/youths in garment making and catering.
The ministry, in collaboration with the Plateau Aids Control Agency, assisted by the World Bank enrolled 50 Persons Living With HIV/AIDS, orphans and vulnerable children and care-givers for training in the following as a form of empowerment: tailoring, knitting, shoe-making, catering, hair dressing and computer application. The beneficiaries were selected across the 17 local government areas.   
At inception, this administration deployed the lean finances at its disposal for the patching and rehabilitation of some major roads and streets in the Jos-Bukuru metropolis. This was undertaken by the Plateau State Roads Maintenance Agency in the total sum of N525,675,690.30. 
Since then, the following new road contracts have been awarded, all totaling N3,980,969,215.78 billion: Rantya road network; Wildlife Park-Rafiki Junction and rehabilitation of Miango junction; Kalong bridge and road approaches; Plateau State University, Bokkos; Dokan Tofa-Dokan Kasuwa; and Total bridge in Shendam.
Furthermore, contract for 16 more road projects have been advertised. They are: Maraban Demshin-Shimankar road with spur to Shargan-Angwan Rina-Angwan Dadi Kalong-Nyak road; Dokan Tofa-Baap Kurgwi road with spurs to Lardan, Bwal, Kwoor and Tim; Shinkwan-Tunkus (Shendam bye pass) road; Wase-Kadarko-Dadinkowa road; Dengi-Bashar-Gajin Bashar road; Dengi-Kwalmiya Dugub-Gagdi road; Dawaki-Gyangyang-Seri-Amper road; and Lankang-Dyis-Kagu-Sihin road.
Others are: Mangu Bye Pass; Kuba-Tenti-Maunga-Daffo road;Kpsho-Chakarum-Kogom-Vwang road with spur to Vom Vet; Bet-Dorowa-Mazat-Kuba road with spur to Nding; Fobur-Naton-FursaMaijuju-Zandi road; Tahoss-Ganawuri road with spur to Dahreng; Wase-Mavo-Gimbi road; and Lohmak-Gazum with spur to Kumkwam.
Payment of approved CVs to some contractors for continuation of work on some ongoing projects today stands at N5,346,233,052.69.
Payment of N2,448,544,578.90, out of the contract sum of N3,498,273,087.08 has also been made for three new road projects and three direct labor works.
Under this administration, the Plateau Geographic Information System (PLAGIS) project was completed and was launched on June 10th, 2016. By this, applicants are no longer denied land titles as was the case in the last administration.
The Governor, at a stakeholders meeting on Effective Land Administration in Plateau also approved the downward review of rates by 50% for land titles. This is to encourage applicants to register their land titles. 
In pursuance of governments industrialization goals, four proposed industrial sites have been identified as contained within the Greater Jos Master Plan. And in order to underscore its policy on peace and security, a piece of land has been identified for a proposed Unity Layout at Naraguta, along Bauchi Road.
Another major highlight of the ministrys activities is the issuance of Right of Occupancy to applicants. As it stands, a total of 485 of these have been issued.
On the whole, there is a remarkable increase in the tempo of activities in the ministry, with a resultant increase in the revenue generated.  
 This administrations desire to maximize the potential of the environment and nudge Plateau State onto the path of mineral development is not in doubt.
On assumption of office, a state of emergency was declared on the environment, whereupon a task force was instituted to clear the heaps of refuse within the Jos-Bukuru metropolis.     
Subsequently, the monthly environmental sanitation was re-introduced and has since been sustained.
In keeping faith with its plans for this sector, N30,000,000.00 being counterpart fund was released to enable Plateau State benefit from the Nigeria Erosion and Watershed Management (NEWMAP) project of the World Bank. On its part, the World Bank has released $2 million for the programme which will soon be launched by the Executive Governor.
The state is also expected to reap, in no distant future, the benefit of the North-Central Nigeria Business and Investment Forum which was held in Guanzhou, China earlier in the year. Already, different groups of Chinese investors have come into the state and are prospecting for minerals in various locations.
Under this administration, there is steady improvement in the conditions necessary for the conduct of educational activities. Efforts in this sector began at the state-owned University at Bokkos where sanity was substantially restored to enable the state maximize the institutions huge potential.
Governments commitment to educational development is also noticeable in other institutions such as the College of Agriculture at Garkawa. The Governor recently gave approval for the release of one hundred and twenty-five million naira (N125,000,000.00) for the provision of critical facilities required for the accreditation of programmes in the College.
At the College of Nursing and Midwifery, Vom, Governor Lalong has given approval for the re-engagement of 21 academic staff to enhance staff strength and quality of training. Some physical structures and equipment have also been improved upon, thereby facilitating an interim accreditation of a number of courses. 
The College of Health Technology, Zawan also got over 17 million naira to equip and install an ultra-modern e-library, and is now in use having been commissioned by the Governor.
Under primary and secondary education, Governor Lalong has also approved the release of funds for effective running of this category of schools.
Accordingly, 55 million naira was provided to settle the backlog of school fees of Plateau State students studying at the National Mathematical Centre, Abuja. In the same vein, over 15 million was released to meet the needs of students on exchange programme.
Government has also granted approval for the promotion of over 2000 teaching and non-teaching staff, which is expected to motivate the staff for enhanced productivity. 
In its desire to promote public health, the administration has been forthcoming in its responsibilities to the health sector. On assumption of office, the governor gave approval for the release of takeoff grant for the Plateau State Primary Health Care Development Board.
Furthermore, five ambulances have been procured and distributed to General Hospitals in Barkin Ladi, Mangu, Pankshin, Langtang and Shendam.
So also, funds have been approved by the governor, and have been released to offset surgery expenses for ten children with heart defects who were operated upon.
One of the highpoints of activities in this sector during this period was the containment of the recent Lassa fever outbreak in which no casualty was recorded. The state, through the ministry, was awarded a prize among four states for best reporting during the outbreak in the country.

Governments interest in this sector is informed by the endless opportunities it offers for the development of our state. On the heels of recent advances, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has now been signed between the tourism ministry and a reputable Chinese company (One Belt One Road) for the development of some selected tourism sites in the state. These are: ROC International Hotel, Plateau Hotel, Jos Hotel, Jos Wild Life Park and the Solomon Lar Amusement Park.
Government recognizes the Jos Wild Life Park as one of the flagships of the tourism industry in the state. Hence, despite limited resources, efforts are continuously being made to keep its operations alive.
Sometime last year, a lion was killed after it escaped its area of confinement. However, there is now a replacement for it with the acquisition of another one. In addition, the Ministry has acquired a pair of camels (male and female), a pair of crocodile and a rock python to add to the variety of animals at the park. It also acquired a red fronted gazelle, a male equus caballus, caracal lynx, baboon, common jackal, patas monkeys, Grimms duiker, Frasier eagle owl. A breakthrough was also recorded in captive breeding at the park from which there is now Nile crocodile, derby eland, patas monkey and dwarf cattle.

This administration also recognizes youth and sports development as necessary for the growth of society and our state in particular. Consequently, it has not left out the sector in its development plans. The administration, for instance, has remained faithful to its obligations to the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) scheme with the release of funds for its operations and activities especially at the orientation camp.
And under sports, the state-owned elite club, Plateau United has done remarkably well in the current league season owing to governments favorable disposition to sports development. Because of its sterler performance, the Nigeria Football Federation has invited the club to play a friendly match with the national team, the Super Eagles at the end of the current league season.
In other sports, the story is not different; it has been a harvest of medals in athletics, badminton, cycling, golf, gymnastics, hockey, kickboxing, judo, powerlifting, polo, taekwondo, weightlifting, wrestling and para-soccer.

Lalong Presents Second Class Certificate To 4th Ogomo Pengana

With his policy plan to promote the grassroots tenet of democracy to the people of Plateau State, Governor Simon Bako Lalong recently presented a certificate of second class title to the newly installed Royal Father of Pengana, Mallam Esau Mamman Shayang.

His Royal Highness was born to the family of Mamman Shayang in 1958 at Fuska Mata and he began his secondary education at  Zawan in 1978-1983 and later bagged a diploma certificate .

Governor admonished other traditional highnesses for the overwhelming support to selection of the new Ogomo Pengana for partnering to foster peace in the communities.

"I stated that my interest in the creation of chiefdoms and the recognition of traditional institutions ,is to give communities a true sense of belonging hinged on their peculiar ethnic identity", he explained.

He cautioned tha Ogomo Pengana should take its lightly because they give to the larger society is a reflection of the value of what they have nurtured .

"I expect you see the unity of the mul-ethnic chiefdoms under your care as sacrosanct toward eliminating conflict triggers within the socio economic and religious values which your people uphold", he noted.

High Royal Highness ,the Gbong Gwom Jos, Da Gyang Jacob Buba has tasked traditional rulers to reposition themselves toward strengthening of security of their subjects in partnering with the government of Governor Simon Bako Lalong.

The Royal father gave this advice during the official coronation and presentation of staff of office (Second class status ) at the Ogomo Pengana chiefdom ,Plateau state at Bassa Local Government Area of Plateau in Jingre .

He urged the traditional fathers to continue to mobilize their people to support the policy trust  of government of Lalong .

 “We are trying to focus more on the area of responsibilities of the royal fathers in appreciating cooperate support of government in payments of welfare of our people who are custodian of the tradition", he added.

The Gbong Gwom Jos applauded the government for the payments of salary and arrears of civil servants and pensioners in December, 2016.

The Management Committee Chairman of Bassa LGA express her appreciation to the governor for restoring the dignity of the traditional stool of Pengana chiefdom after the demise of late Royal father ,Isaac Bawa  Sambo  who joined his ancestors in 2015 .

She charges the new traditional father to be honesty ,transparent and be dedicated to wellbeing of their people by giving priority to security of lives and properties of citizens.

Disabled Persons Offer Unflinching Support To Lalong, Seek For Education Of Members

The Plateau State Disability commission in collaboration with the joint National Association of persons with Disabilities ,Plateau state chapter Chairman ,Mr Seth Attah has offered unflinching support to governor Simon Bako Lalong for renovation ,empowerment of persons with disabilities .
He  called on the administration of Governor Simon Lalong to lift up  the  embargo on employment on persons living with disabilities as bornified citizens of the state.
The Chairman disclosed this during the 2017 joint National Association of persons with disabilities on the Plateau state who are celebrating the international Day for persons with disabilities on the 12th January,2017 held at Plateau state disability rights commission premises ,No 24 Naraguta Avenue, Jos.
He said, "We appeal to the governor to kindly assist the five association of persons living with disabilities in the state with a functional vehicle each and consider them for monthly or yearly subvention like their counterparts in other states of the country, e.g. Nasarawa, Kaduna, Bauchi just to mention which will discourage these association taking private cap" .
He requested the rescue leader of the state to intervene by directing the state universal Basic Education Board (SUBEB) management to give prompt consideration of the thirty three qualified names compiled by this association for the teaching position in primary schools out of the over five thousands to be employed as directed by the LALONG in August , JOS as directed by the governor .
They appeal to the governor to kindly constitute the membership of the disabled right commission with at least two permanent members and the chairman should be from the community of persons with disabilities.
According to him, we use the opportunity to seek for full autonomy of the persons with disabilities right commission like their sister commissions in the state to enable the feel the impact of its establishment.
He added ,"the international day for persons with disabilities happens to be product of international year for the disabled from 1983 to 1993 in which it was to recognize the plight and their challenges.
Governor Simon Bako Lalong has assured that the rescue administration will continue to support and strengthen the disability right commission to discharge its statutory responsibilities .
"We must accord and afford persons with disability the favourable atmosphere to contribute to the socio -economic development of Plateau state",he explained .
Represented by Commissioner for special Duties, Hon Hittler Dadi ,said, we have therefore made deliberate plans to ensure that persons with disability in Plateau state are carried along in the act of governance.
Lalong said special attention will be given to people living with disability in the state government which N200,000.00 donations was for each of them to register for small medium enterprise development agency and roll out economic ,vocational support program .
He recognized the competence contributions of persons with disabilities in political process which had continue to impact positively to the history this great country.
The Ag Chairman of Plateau State Disability Right Commission, Mr. Bitrus Hosea called on government to address various illness that led to prevention of  disabilities from the challenges they are  through.
He advised state government to provide specialist hospitals that can take care of persons with disabilities in the state because their deformity.
Hosea commended governor Lalong for sponsoring Plateau State delegation to attend the united Nations 9th session conference to convention in 2016 in New York, USA.
He also lauded the governor for coordinating the implementation of  exclusive project in Nigeria and Lake Chad Basin which include, Republic of Niger ,Chad ,Cameron and Nigeria.
The Ag Chairman has appreciated the Lalong for the compensation ,renovation ,completion of multi-purpose workshop and fencing of the vocational training center for the blind in Zawan .
Governor Simon Lalong was awarded recipient of the 2016 game changer and Disability inclusive Development Best Nigerian state Governor of the year award.
The Chairman of NUJ,Yakubu Taddy said today mark as the very important in the history of Plateau were distinguished personalities who have contributed to the development of para-Olympic that rise the flag of Nigeria.
He encouraged person with disabilities not to see that their current challenges will not stop them from achieving their set goal.

Afon Urges Pengana Chiefdom to Consolidate on Existing Peace

The member representing Pengana constituency at the Plateau State House of Assembly, Hon Ezekiel Afon has charged traditional institution to put aside their differences and contribute actively to the development of their communities.
Hon Afon disclosed this during the coronation of the Ogomo Pengana chiefdom in Bassa LGA,recently.
He said the unity of Pengana people cannot be over emphasize ,as a member representing the good people of grassroots am so proud of the demonstration  of unity and progress of my people.
"We are happy that the coronation went on peaceful and all the three district heads that made up Pengana were all present and they  participate actively.
According to him , today there's no issue of political  or  party affiliation you see that both APC and PDP came together to ensure that peace is permanently restore to the area.
Meanwhile, the  president of Jere National Development Association ,Mr Lamindi Tagonze has urged the people of Bassa Local Government Area of Plateau state  to   consolidate on the  existing peace in the council .
Speaking to our correspondent in Jengre ,Tagonze said, peace ,love and fear of God should be the hallmark of government performance .
He commended the governor Simon Lalong led administration for his transformation agenda of empowering the people at grassroots level by installation of traditional rulers to protect and guide the wellbeing of people.
"I never expect these mammoth crowd here and appreciate the Lalong government for not participating in the selection of the stool of Ogomo Pengana ",he added.
Tagonze appealed to the  people  of Pengana chief to join hands with the Royal father and the authority to see the development of the chiefdom .
He explains further that the event mark a historic milestone in the history of Pengana people which had brought integrity  to the system.
His Royal Highness in his word of appreciation to the people of  Pengana  chiefdom ,the Ogomo Pengana Mallam Esau Mamman Shayang said,I stand selected by the kingmakers of Pengana ,ordained by the king of all kings and crowned by the constituted authority of the land as the paramount ruler of the most peculiar and unique people groups in Plateau state.

"I am very grateful to God almighty of the universe ,the Plateau state government ,the Plateau state traditional council ,Bassa LGA administration and leadership 14 ethnic groups that make up the population of Pengana .
He promised to transform of our community and I also seize the opportunity to call on Government at the local, state and federal levels to come to our aid by feeling the pulse of our grassroots.


By Ayuba Yilgak'ha No nation could attain meaningful and sustained development in the atmosphere of turbulence and chaos. For a nation t...