Saturday 11 February 2017

Hon. George Daika expressed concerned over the flagrant abuse of power by the APC

Former Member of House of Representative, from Mikang, Shendam and Quanpan Federal constituency in Plateau state, Hon. George Daika expressed concerned over the flagrant abuse of power by the APC led government.
Speaking to Journalist immediately after a stakeholders meeting in Jos which held on Friday 10 2017 at the party start secretariat. Hon. George Daika said, “Well, regarding the meeting, it is a usual routine that has to do with the caucus in the sake of the party and other committees. Successfully we were able to adopt and endorse unanimously, His Excellency Sir Fidelis Tapgun as the chairman of the elder’s forum, with Barr. Justina Vrengle as his secretary.
 Daika said, “We did it unanimously based on the understanding and qualities we have seen in them and the need for them to further strengthen the party. On the issue of INEC, well, the injunction is being given by the court. I didn’t go there but I was told that the judge addressed both parties and told INEC clearly that they shouldn’t conduct the Re-Run election and if they do, then I will see the recklessness in INEC, which means they don’t seem to obey the rule of law, and it is something that is very common with the present administration of people who came with change agenda but don’t seem to adhere to any other norms and values guiding our nation, which is quite sad.
He said “I heard that the governor [Simon Lalong], during a campaign in Langtang South,  Mabudi, directed INEC to go ahead and conduct election or else he will declare an APC candidate a winner, which sounds so funny, myopic and childish and I don’t expect that from a leader. I want to at this point call on the entire PDP members, our teeming supporters and well wishers to be calm and law abiding, whatever happens, even to the contrary they should not react and should remain peaceful. I also call on the security agencies to be mindful of constitutional provisions and the legal backing”.
speaking on what the people of Plateau State should expect from the PDP being the opposition. Hon. Daika said, “First and Foremost, the people of Plateau State and other Nigerians are yearning, by calling on PDP to come back to power because they are really tired and they are in abject poverty. This present administration has further impoverished people that they find it difficult to get food to eat, even a square meal a day and death toll rises all over, and also unemployment rate is very high.
He Said “Government is meant to serve the people, to provide people with all the necessary facilities and amenities such as infrastructures. So people are really tired and are just praying for 2019, which to me might be too far but too close because it is up to the people to decide by ballot, either they still prefer PDP or APC, but am sure with the unity of purpose with what is happening in PDP today, we are making a very good impact on the lives of the people and we are making progress which at the end of the day PDP might emerge victorious
Commenting on the preparedness of PDP towards the forth coming local government election, he said “We are waiting for the PLASIEC to set up the time table; if the PLASIEC is ready then we will start mobilization.  I can see clearly that Plateau people have had enough from APC, and by God’s grace, with the good work PDP will still emerge winner of the coming LG election.

PDP accuses INEC of disregarding court order, as Sir Fidelis Tapgun, emerged Chairman of the elder’s forum

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Plateau State chapter, has decried what it describes as flagrant abuse of power by the ruling party, All Progressives Congress (APC), by encouraging Independent Electoral Commission (INEC), to conduct an election that is pending before a court of law.
 A chieftain of the state chapter of the party and member elders’ forum, Prof. Dakum Shown, who spoke to journalists on Friday during the election of executives for the party’s elder’s forum, said that there will be no democracy in the country if rule of law was not obeyed.
Prof. Shown expressed dismay that a government that was supposed to be responsible for law and order in the state was encouraging abuse of the rule of law.
 He accused Governor Simon Lalong of being undemocratic and quoting the governor saying: “away with the court’s decision”, regarding the controversial elections embroiled in court case.
 On enquiry by BC NEWS, concerning the botched House of Representatives elections in Langtang South, a Deputy Director in charge of publicity, PLASIEC, Osaretin Imahiyereobo, said there was no court injunction, and as such the elections will go on.
 Mr Imahiyereobo said the presiding judge, Justice D.V Agishi made only verbal comments which was not binding on their decision to carry on with the elections; he said besides, since the court adjoined the motion for hearing to 16th of February, 2017, there was no way, a stay of action would be effective.
 A reliable source wishing to remain anonymous claimed that the ruling party was banking on the delayed process of court proceedings: after elections have been conducted and won by APC, they occupy the contested office, of Langtang South constituency, before the next national primaries comes up again, then there will not be any case to answer to, the source said.
The PDP state chapter Publicity Secretary, Hon. John Akans, said the party would oppose any outcome of the elections scheduled today by INEC, in Langtang South.
He said: “Once a matter is before the court of law all actions most stay. Especially when there is an application for injunction, parties must restrain themselves for taking any action that is inimical to the unfinished proceedings.
 The Publicity Secretary further said all relevant security agencies including INEC have been served with the court order, and none should claim ignorance.
 Earlier, the PDP state party chairman, Damishi Sango presided over the elders committee executive election; Sir Fidelis Tapgun, emerged as the Chairman of the PDP state party elders forum, while a former top management staff of PRTV, Barr. Justina Vrengle was elected Secretary of the forum.


By Ayuba Yilgak'ha No nation could attain meaningful and sustained development in the atmosphere of turbulence and chaos. For a nation t...