Thursday 27 October 2016


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ID Gyang To Empower Over 300 Persons In His Constituency

Rep. Bar. (Dr.) I.D Gyang (PDP) -Barkin Ladi /Riyom Federal Constituency said over 300 people from his constituency would benefit from his empowerment programme holding Saturday 29th October at Gwol Motel Barkin Ladi.
I.D Gyang who disclosed this in a press statement made available to newsmen in Jos by his media aide Chuwang Dungs, said the empowerment programme was in fulfillment of his covenant to ably represent and serve his constituents.
“I promise to use every medium available to me as a federal lawmaker to bring dividends of democracy to my people and the Outreach/empowerment programme is in fulfillment of my promise,” he declared.
He said the occasion which will take place at Gwol Motel in Barkin Ladi by 10:am would be chaired by Sen. Gen. JT Usaini, while Sen. Jonah David Jang will serve as father of the day.
Rt. Hon. Yakubu Dogara, the Speaker, House of Representatives who will serve as special guest of honour is expected to lead the delegation from the National Assembly.
The lawmaker said variety of items like motorcycles, grinding machines, sewing machines and irrigation pumping machines would be distributed to beneficiaries in his constituency.
This story is courtesy the Universal reporters


The President of the Nigerian Medical Association, Prof. Mike Ogirima, has called on President Muhammadu Buhari to immSediately start the operation of the National Health Act, in order not to leave the ordinary Nigerian on the street to their fate in seeking for health care.
The President, who spoke through the Chairman of NMA Plateau State chapter, Dr. Daniel Menshak said, “The Nigerian Doctors are saying the time to implement the Health Act is now; we can no longer wait any further.”

Dr. Daniel, who presented the National Health Act, 2014, on behalf of the Association’s National President, to the Speaker of the Plateau state House of Assembly, Rt. Hon. Peter Azi during the Association’s “Walk For Implementation” today, at the Plateau State House of Assembly complex, said, “Our patients will trust our health system if agencies to regulate our health system ensure that Certificate of Standard is issued to all health facilities across the country, whether private or public.”

“Finally, let me thank all Nigerian Doctors, Civil Society Organizations and other stakeholders that have come out this morning to partake in this walk.

“It is healthy to embark on this advocacy walk to the body and ensuring that our patient’s cries and worries in this economic recession are heard. 

“Let me reassure you that our labour of love for Nigerians and humanity shall never be in vain. We will continue to advocate this just course until our dreams and aspirations are achieved".

Responding, the Speaker, Rt. Hon. Peter Azi, said, that though the Doctors have talked about women and children, there is the need to add the aged in our communities, especially, the retirees that have served the nation for so many years.

He said, “Though the issue been raised is not within the purvey of the state House of Assembly, the house members would engage their colleagues at the National Assembly to push this course.”

“I am however, happy that the policy of the APC has this health provision.”

The speaker however used the opportunity to urge the Doctors to treat patients first before seeking for police reports in order to save lives.

The people of Kantana did not vote the PDP but, me- RT. HON.GAGDI

The Deputy Speaker of the Plateau State House of Assembly has decamped from the Peoples Democratic Party to the All Progressive Congress in a historic manner today on the floor of the House.
 Rt. Hon. Yusuf Adamu Gagdi, who is representing the people of Kantana Constituency in the Plateau State House of Assembly, told the Hon. Members of the House and the Speaker, Rt. Hon. Peter Azi, that his defection from the PDP to the APC was deliberate because, he had to do that in order to key-in with the plans of the APC administration in the state, led by Rt. Hon. Simon Lalong to better the well being of his Constituents.
Although the Speaker, Rt. Hon. Peter Azi, took his time to read out the letter communicated to him by Rt. Hon. Gagdi, to the entire members and those in the gallery, Rt. Hon. Yusuf had this to say: “Prior to this moment, I thought the APC CHANGE MANTRA was just a slogan until it came visible to me and to the door step of my constituency.
“I am taking this decision to decamp from the Peoples Democratic Party to the All Progressive Congress, for the best interest of my constituents.
“I am proud to say I have satisfied all that is needed.
“For sure, PDP gave me the opportunity and platform to contest my election.
“But I wish to state that my people actually voted for me and not the PDP. You would recall that, Buhari won with over 40 thousand votes in Kanam, Dariye lost to the APC with over 38 thousand votes in Kanam, Hon Timothy Golu of the PDP lost in Kanam with over 4 thousand votes, late GNS Pwajok of the PDP, in the governorship contest, lost to the APC with over 12 thousand votes. But, I Yusuf Gagdi, won the APC with over 19 thousand votes because my people want me here and not the party.
“So, I am humbly stating that the people of Kantana did not vote the PDP but, me!
“I want everybody to therefore understand that I am simply joining those who brought me here.
“More also, I am aware of the provisions of the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
“I am also aware that there are two factions existing in the PDP now and that they are trying to come back together.
“However, I have defected to the party of CHANGE!
“I shall do my best to serve my people under the APC.
Another member that decamped from the PDP, is the member representing Mikang Constituency, Hon. Nanlong Daniel.
In all, the APC seem to have secured two–third of the seats in the Plateau State House of Assembly.

Monday 24 October 2016

APC Stalwart Commends Lalong For Revamping Moribund Companies

The All Progressive Congress’s (APC) National Leader, Hon Jock Alamba commended Governor Simon Lalong for revamping the state moribund industries abandoned for years.
Alamba made this commendation in an interview at his residence in Utan community of Jos North Local Government Area.
He said, the Lalong’s administration has deliberately putting on ground programme toward addressing bastardized economic which has brought the state backward for decades.
The APC stalwart stressed that the problems of corruption is like a scourge that has eaten deep into the fabric of the society were lack of industry and standard market is now pushing the name of Plateau state to be called civil service state .
“we are faced by economic doom due to corruption practices  which had made our economic very weak so revamping of the economy through rebuilding burnt Main Market will boost income generation to the state “, he added.
Alamba lauded the Lalong administration in making effort to acquire back the BARC farm that was sold to the former governor of Adamawa state and injecting resources toward the completion of JIB, prompt payment of workers salary.
He stated that diversification of the economy in agriculture, Lalong want the agricultural in the state to come back to live with ASTC been revitalize a good push of resources farm input to go round the 17 local governments were government came with better strategies to improve a lot of common farmers .
He said government strong focus on FADAMA to receive close attention of government to encourage development to show Plateau citizens that true change has come, but still undergoing process.

Sunday 23 October 2016

VANDALIZED PHCH EQUIPMENTS: Dong Communities Accuse Rt. Hon Peter Azi Of Phony Electioneering Campaign Promises

Dong communities of Jos North Local Government Area of Plateau are sad over the attitude of the Speaker of the Plateau State House of Assembly. Rt. Hon Peter Azi, over his neglect and failed campaign promises.
The coordinator of the electric city blackout leaders in Dong Kasa of Miango junction, Rukuba road (JCR) Chief John Nkwa said, the Speaker had promised during his electioneering campaign to provide electricity to the communities, if they support him at the 2015 general election, but what they get is abandonment of the project.
Chief John Nkwa alleged that the contractor handling a multi-million naira electrification of villages in Jos North, Jos South and Bassa Local Governments has abandoned the projects site and equipments worth billions of naira are vandalized.
He lamented that both the present and past politicians makes promises to connect the communities with electricity but when election is over they will not be seen again.
He said “even the present Speaker, of the Plateau state House of Assembly who happens to be a member of the community, after promising us that if we vote him. He will connect the communities with electricity, but after winning the election, he told us that it is not his responsibility to provide us with electricity”.


By Ayuba Yilgak'ha No nation could attain meaningful and sustained development in the atmosphere of turbulence and chaos. For a nation t...