Wednesday 2 August 2017


It is worrisome to note that reading culture in the Nigerian society has drastically dwindled to the extent that Nigerians do not want to read even a page of a book, but are now embracing other things such as; watching of home videos, navigating the Internet in search of easy answers to their academic problems. This was content the opening speech by the Acting Head of Branch of National Library of Nigeria, Plateau State Branch Mrs. Sarah Emmanuel Mshelia.
She said “These acts also expose them to harmful behavior like drug abuse, pornography and violence etc that are posted on the internet by the bad elements of the society, even though, there could be other things they can get from there that are beneficial to them”.
Sarah noted that the benefit of a good reading culture cannot be over emphasized. “ It is in the light of this that the National Library of Nigeria, under the able leadership of our amiable National Liberian/CEO Professor L.O Aina launched a readership promotion campaign nationwide where this programe is held in all the 23 functional branches to sensitizes Nigerians on the importance of embracing reading culture by the Nigerian public.
She said “the theme of this year’s campaign is working together to build a virile reading nation; challenges and strategies and the objectives of the campaign include: to encourage reading among Nigerians particularly the people of Plateau state, to promote the increase of reading materials and to identify obstacles that inhibit and find ways of eliminating them”.
“As a way of encouraging the reading culture, the Plateau state branch has initiated an award for two personalities who have distinguished themselves in the area of reading and provision of reading materials respectively. She added
“Reading is an indispensable cornerstone to the development of any nation and Nigeria cannot afford to lack behind. If we want to develop and reach out full potentials, we cannot afford to relegate the issues of reading to the background.
She called on parents, teachers, authors, publishers, booksellers, Liberian, government, policy makers and non-governable organization to brace up to restore a good reading habit that will help our young ones take to reading not just for academic purposes but also for leisure which will lead to a full development  of Nigeria.   
In his opening remarks the National Liberian Chief Executive Officer, Professor Lenrie O. Aina said, “ it is right to say that reading culture in Nigeria is poor and that the benefit of good reading culture in any country cannot be over emphasized given the fact that reading enriches the knowledge to full participation in modern society. He said “reading is one fundamental building block of learning, noting that reading is not just for school purposes, it is for life long-learning. It is a way to get better knowledge from others experiences or research findings and it can be a journey to self-recovery to the reader, he added.
Lenrie noted that leading world nations pride themselves on their promotion of reading, that they see a high level of literacy as a major source of their competiveness and social maturity. He said, the absence of widespread culture of reading in the case of Nigeria acts as an effective barrier to our development and international competiveness.
He said, “it is in the light of the above that the National Library of Nigeria, which is the apex library in our country Nigeria. He called on parents, teachers, authors, publishers, booksellers, Liberians, government, policy makers and non-governmental organizations to brace up to restore a good reading habit that will help our young ones to reading not just for academic purposes but also for leisure which will lead to a full development of Nigeria.
In his remark the chairman of the occasion Hon. Joseph Alex Mairiga, commissioner for primary and secondary education Plateau state, said, knowledge is not only acquire in the four corner of the classroom, but a lot is imbedded in the books. He said book is the classiest teacher to the students and if you develop a reading habit you will be able to develop well and improve academically.
He called on students to develop their English skills because it is the gate to other subjects.

The occasion was also witness poem presentation, reading competition and debate as while as gifts and award presentations, as the famous Aharuwa Dance and choreography dance, thrill the staff, guest and students.     


PHILIP IZANG NYAM was born in 13 October, 1972 he went to LEA primary school Lamingo and then proceeded to Government secondary school Riyom where he had his junior Secondary Education from there he went to Government Secondary School Pankshin for his senior Secondary Education in 1989 and graduated in 1991. He proceeded to School of preliminary studies for higher education in 1994 and gain admission in the University of Jos to study B. Sc in Public Administration from 1999 to 2004. His insatiable quest for knowledge let him to obtained Masters in conflict management and peace studies at the University of Jos.
Izam started his working career in Jos North local government in 1997.
Speaking to news men in his office, the Management Committee Chairman of Jos North PHILIP IZANG NYAM Said “ I will operate an open door policy in order to give the people a sense of belonging to gain their confidents, I intent to embrace all people from all works of lives that are residents in Jos North. “ I promise to work for the overall benefit of developments of this locality.
He said “in the past civil servant cannot make any financial planning because they don’t know when to they will receive salary, but with the coming of His Excellency Rt. Hon. Simon Bako Lalong the “ALERT” governor, workers are now receiving their salary promptly, aside from that pensioners who were rejected and abandoned are now smiling and are happily retiring in peace.
“one thing that impress me most with Governor “Alert is when he came in, he key into ongoing projects, he never did not abandoned any project like the past regime; he make sure that ongoing projects were continued despites the economy recession we are witnessing, he make sure that the little resources that is coming into the coffers of the state is judiciously used in the running of those projects. That is a pointer that he wants to take Plateau state to the greater heights.
“Apart from that we used to have problems of incessant killings, security problems, but when he came into power he put peace mechanism on ground make sure that no stone was left unturned to achieved peace that we are now enjoying; Governor Lalong alone side the honourable members of the House of Assembly put their heads together; the house set up a committee that went round and at the end of the day it compliment the efforts of the governor in ensuring that peace is been maintain and to the glory of God peace is restored.
Hon. NYAM said “Lalong is a perfect gentleman and passionate leader that is poised for the development of the state, he is a peace lover. Went he was a speaker of the Plateau state house of Assembly, we have seen his input; he resisted a lot of temptation to illegally impeached a governor, he suffered a lot of incarceration and withstand all pressure mounted on him. Lalong is a dogged leader.




The league of veteran journalist is an association of seasoned and accomplished journalist, mass communication practitioners, news, information and public environment managers, committed to upholding the virtue of truth and justice, fairness and objectivity, human dignity and the general wellbeing of the society.

Welcoming guest at the event chairman of the Association Mr. Gideon Barde explained the pivotal position of Jos city in the growth and development of mass media in Nigeria.

The league of veteran of journalist has been operational in the southern part of the country. It was established in Jos few years ago.

Barde stresses the need for the solid foundation for journalism training in order to have a standard for the profession in the country.

Awards and fellowship were also given to those who were recently appointed as ambassadors, other recipient where General Manager PRTVC Jeftha Jackden and Rector National Film Institutes Christie Best among others.

Responding on behalf of the recipients Nde James Dimka assured of continued support to upcoming journalist and the league of veteran Journalist.

Kanke, Kanam and Shendam witnessed a large turnout of people to welcome the newly inaugurated Management Committee Chairmen as they assumed the mantle of leadership.

Speaking to Journalist in Kanke a grassroots politician said “he wonder why APC leadership will waste a whole two years with this unappreciative politicians, he accused the sack council chairman of lack of political foresight and who behave as demi gods in his locality’ noting that Kanke LGC have never had it so bad, he said the immediate past chairman is solidly responsible for the APC lack of popularity in the grassroots.
Also speaking an APC ward chairman who preferred to remain anonymous, said, “atleast now a win of change is blowing, I believed with the current crop of leadership in Kanke we can go to sleep and the opposition party is buried, I have no doubt in my mind that with the well articulated and responsible person as Zacharia Goshang as the Management Committee Chairman APC shall fly high like kite in the sky.
He said, considering the large crowd that turn out to welcome him in the office and to witness the swearing in of the acting a councilors is a pointer that APC remains firmly on ground in Kanke and will win every elective position with an unprecedented and overwhelming figures.
In Shendam the story was that of singing, dancing and merriment as multitude of people welcomes Elias Kwaps homes, resulting to traffic jam for hours. The whole town came to a standstill as the mammoth crowd defy all odd to catch a glimpse of him. The visibly elated Elias is all but smiling indicating that he has come with a difference to serve and provide quality leadership and the people understand the kind of person he is, that is why they left their farms, businesses and other activities to welcome him.
In Kanam Shops were close and businesses where abruptly stop as mammoth crowd welcomes the council Chairman. From the Emir Place to the secretariat complex to the Council Multipurpose hall and the residence of the honorable commissioner for local government and chieftaincy affairs, Alhaji Dayyabu Garga, the overwhelming crowd who are dress in their best attire defy all odds and accompanied the council chairman to where he go.

In Jos South Local government the sack chairman was boo, jeered and chase away, as he attempted to enter the secretariat complex and be sworn in as acting councilor


When Governor Simon Bako Lalong set out the modalities for the nomination and selection of transition implementation committee members, through popular Participation process that begins from the wards, the desire I guess was to ensure that the true representatives of the people emerge.
In his speech to the APC stake holders at Yelwa club on the 11/07/2017.
The following criteria were to be followed
That for the position of TIC Chairman and Secretary the minimum qualification is either BSC, HND, or its equivalent
That at least 3 women should be among the council nominees
That zoning and rotation should be respected
It is however sad that while these conditions were to help guarantee qualitative representation and Gender, the desperate desire of some political contractors and their collaborators in office have made nonsense of the good intention.
How else can one explain why a house of Assembly will pass the Governors request for clearance without asking for the Cvs and certificates of only 34 nominees for chairman and secretary, so glaring was the show of hurried compromised passage that the swearing of members at government house on Friday the 21/07/2017 saw the abridge Cvs of some chairman not detailing their qualifications.
Now reality is staring the APC in the face with the likelihood of the existence of Toronto certificates in council constituted by party that supposedly is here to change things for the better;
Just to assuage the rumor making the round, can the powers that cleared Hon. Sarah Bali, from Bassa and the Secretary of Kanke Titus O. Goman help clear our doubts by posting their degrees or certificate so we know the APC is still the party that has come to fight corruption?
Until then, somebody is fooling some people and like the saying goes “You can’t fool all the people all of the time”.
As for me, I sign up for the integrity group of the APC, I urge you to join me so we sanitize the APC and sewage the dwindling fortune of our great party.
APC is here to change things for the better, lets do things in a way that the goodwill our great party still enjoys be sustained!!!


The Management Committee Chairman of Jos South Hon Gideon Dung told news men in his office that the Southern senatorial zone of Plateau State voted their own Son as governor twice therefore, it is needful to reciprocate the gesture, he said  “ we are here to reciprocate the gesture for the sake of posterity they voted our son Jonah Jang therefore; it is morally wrong for us not to support Governor Lalong, we don’t have any reason whatsoever; one good turn deserve another, we will equally vote Lalong to payback.
He said “We will make sure that PDP is defeated in its door step; we will fly APC flag higher   and with God on our side we will succeed”.
Dung noted that the era of tagging Jos south a PDP local government is over, APC is ready for any kind of election. “The era of deceit is now over and a wave of change is blowing across Jos South. I am calling on my brothers and sisters to come and joint the wining team APC.
He said “despite the recession look at the quantum of project that Governor is executing,
While swearing the secretary and councilors the Management Committee Chairman said, “we must express our profound appreciation to the captain of the rescue Mission. Rt Hon. Simon Bako Lalong for finding us worthy to serve our people at the third tier of government, “we equally acknowledge the support of our great party the APC, stakeholders and the entire citizens of Jos South Local Government for making this work for us”
“The task before us is quite an enormous one in the face of economic malaise which has affected the financial base of the council. With God on our side and with your support, we will leave no stone unturned in our collective effort to better the lots of the civil servants and our people the rural populace in order to justify the mandate bestowed on us.
”we shall administer the affairs of the local government on fear of God and as such, we shall operate on zero tolerance for corruption, we will spare no efforts in this direction and anyone caught shall be made to face the full wrath of the law.
“to my colleagues, the council secretary and councilors, i charge you to bring your wealth of ;knowledge and experience to bear in the task ahead of us in order to better the lots of the people. We have a duty to formulate policies and programme that are demand driven to dovetail into the five pillars policy thrust of the rescue mission.
“no meaningful growth or development can take place in an unstable political environment therefore, we must collectively make the decision to contribute our efforts to ensure that the relative peace we are enjoying is sustained.


“Let us put all our difference aside”- Elias Kwaps

Elias Kwaps was born in Shendam on the 22nd December, 1959, he started his education at Sacred Heart transfer primary school Shendam in the year 1968 to 1974 then proceeded for his Secondary education at St. Murumba College Jos and completed at Government College Pankshin in the year 1979. Then he proceeded to Federal Neuron Psychiatric Medical School Abeokuta to study psychiatric Nursing and graduated in 1983 and immediately took up an appointment with the Jos University Teaching Hospital (JUTH) and in 1988 he went to the College of Nursing Vom for a post study in Nursing and graduated in 1990.
Elias Kwaps has travelled to Rwanda College of Nursing Yangatere on National assignment, he has attended so many course and workshop and seminars.
He has travelled to several countries such as Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, Burundi, Israel, Egypt, Ankara, Antalia
He is married with four Children; his last daughter will be graduating from the University of Jos this year.
Elias Kwaps was appointed management committee Chairman of Shendam Local Government Council last week.
The Management Committee chairman of Shendam Local Government Council Hon. Elias Kwaps, while speaking news men in his Jos residence said, “Right from my early child days i never had the opportunity to serve my people, I felt this is the right time for me to go and serve my people; it is not about having money but sitting down with them and sharing the experience I have acquire both professionally and my interaction with people from all work of life.
He said “I am quite aware of the financial challenges that the state and country is passing through, but I believe if I am able to galvanize the revenue collection in Shendam it will go a long way in assisting me run the affairs of the council. I believe there is a lot to be harnessed in Shendam as regards revenue generation; we will strive to seek for more ways of harnessing them. More so when one begin to think of having money before serving his people he will not forge ahead.
Hon. Kwaps said “My message to those who grumble because they were not appointed, is that of course grumbling is inevitable when appointment is done, but we should equally realized that power comes from God, and anybody that has religion should know that God has the power to give you power at anytime he so wishes. Let us all cast away our difference and come together to make our locality a better place. It is time for us to come together and work for the betterment of our people. Whatever went wrong let us forgive in the interest of our local government and our people”.
“My first priority as a council chairman is to work on peace and confidence in governance which have eluded to us and to mobilize my people sustainable development. 
Kwaps said “the governor is a very gentleman down to earth; he always put the interest of others first before his own; he will not like anything bad that would hurt anybody and because of his gentility he always bring people very close to him, and at any point in time you have a problem he is always ready to listen to you irrespective of where you come from.
He said “My called to Plateau people is let us put all our difference aside and come together to take our dear state to an enviable heights, a time has come for us to forge ahead.

He said “Governor Lalong achievements in two years speak for itself, he don’t need to campaign for any election what he has put ungrounded is already working for him.                                                                                               

Agriculture as panacea to Nigeria’s growth

Although generally, food production has been growing and developing over the past two decades, that of Nigeria seems to be sliding dawn hill.
In other to answer the question why hunger still exist in Nigeria, it becomes instructive to note that the food crisis in Nigeria arose note because the country’s natural resources have been exhausted, but because of the complicated system of economic, social and political factors endemic with our state of the nation. Nigeria as a matter of urgency needs to develop strategies to achieve self-reliance. When we talk of self reliance, we are talking of the strategic areas of the economy.
In the case of food production, what would a country’s sovereignty means, if the citizens of such a country depend helplessly on other nations for their basic food items? Your guess is as good as mine. What needs to be done now is for all the states and Local Government tap into the opportunities in agriculture rather than rely on Federal allocation in other to come out of their present economic woes.
Nigeria abandoning of agriculture was a grievous crime, therefore, immediately reverting to agriculture will be the only panacea to Nigeria’s present economic problems.
It is a thing of joy now that the present administration under the leadership of Buhari has taken agriculture to be a very important economic development option- what we need is a sustainable policy that will be long lasting so as to be able to improve agriculture in the country.
Before the discovery of oil in Nigeria, agriculture was the mainstay of the economy. Infact in the first Republic it contributed up to 60 percent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
With the crash in the price of our single major revenue earner-petroleum, on the international market Nigeria became one of the Nations that suffered worst.

In 2016, the Federal Government developed a plan to revive agriculture and make it as the major revenue earner, with the introduction of the Green Alternative Road map. The policy aimed at reducing to it barest minimum, reliance on imported food. Its fundamental objectives  include stimulating agriculture export which has the dual advantages of earning foreign exchange for the country and also achieving food self-sufficient and thereby rural progress.     

Plateau: NDE to Train School Leavers, Artisans on Basic Business Management Skill

News available to the Grassroots news indicates that the National Directorate of Employment (NDE), will train 480 school leavers and artisans on the rudiments of basic business management skills.
The Director- General of NDE, Dr Nadir Ladan disclosed this on Monday in Jos during a 5-day training exercise.
Ladan, who was represented by Director Small Scale Enterprises at the Directorate, Mrs Joyce Yarnap, said the training will be held in 12 states.Represented by Mrs Joyce Yarnap, Director, Small Scale Enterprises at the Directorate, Ladan said the training would be held in 12 states.
He said that two states from each of the six geo-political zones were expected to nominate 40 participants from each state.
Dr.Ladan explained that Basic Business Training was designed to train artisans, and school leavers on the rudimentary aspects of business management skills, noting that it was discovered that despite being highly skilled in their chosen vocations, most micro-enterprises failed due to lack of basic business management skills.

Why Lalong Deserves A Second Term In Office-Hon.Katyen

An All Progressives Congress, APC, chieftain in Plateau state, Ado Ali Katyen has said that the State Governor Simon BakoLalong deserves a second term in office, in order to enable him consolidate on the gains of democracy which he earlier promised the electorates.
Mr Ado Ali Katyen who disclosed thisrecently at Yelwa club during the All Progressives Congress (APC) stalwarts meeting in Jos also commended Governor Lalong government for working very hard to ensure that Plateau state is being restored back on the path of peaceful coexistence.
According to him, the present regime met very huge security challenges with all manner of problems including the non-payment of 7 months’ salaries owed civil servants and debts running into billions.
Katyen called for the repositioning of APC as that will go a long way in resolving many crisis, as he said this is so because those appointed as Management Committee Chairmen are not connected to the people at the grassroots, adding that there is need for restructuring of the party.
He expressed fear that if these problems are not tackled now, the 2019 will be very difficult as he said that Lalong should be supported for his second term bid.
Katyen stressed that Governor Simon Lalong has listening ear to the plight of the people of the state, “every right thinking person should allow him to consolidate for the next four years.”
Meanwhile, one of the APC chieftains, Col Sunday Kaswe (Rtd) said the two years of Governor Lalong has received so many commendations.
Plateau state has witnessed tremendous developmental strides owing to the transparency and honesty of Lalong who have delivered on his campaign promises he made during the electioneering campaign.
He lauded the Acting President YemiOsinbajo for remaining resolute and committed to the project of transforming the state in spite of the health challenges of President MuhammaduBuhari who transmitted power before traveling for treatment.
Kaswe condemned a situation where some groups are praying for the dead of their President.

According to him, the dissolution of council chairmen is the best modalities to further move the state forward so that the party will appoint the right people to coordinating grassroots politics.

PDP Is Not A Threat To Gov. Lalong In 2019-Plateau APC Chieftain

A legal luminary who also doubles as an All Progressives Congress (APC), chieftain in Plateau Southern Senatorial district Hon Ado Ali has said, the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) judgment that declared Sen. Ahmed Makarfi as the party’s authentic chairman would not pose any threat to the APC in 2019 considering the Supreme Court’s judgement which brought an end to the party’s leadership tussle.
Hon Ali stated this while reacting to the Supreme Court judgment between Sen. Ahmed Makarfi and Sen. Ali Modu Sheriff on Wednesday.
He advised Barr. Simon Lalong to consider those that are credible in his forthcoming appointment to be people who are grassroots oriented as management Committee Chairman to head the various local Government councils.
He added that people are competent, people that have political clout, people who socialize and integrate with politicians at the wards and local and state level.
According to him, Lalong should make selection of People whose relationship transcends religious and not those that promote ethnic extraction by building differences of boundaries.
The Governor must not allow himself to be misled by mischief makers, “we need people that are generous and accessible to all and sundry whose popularity transcends their immediate local Government areas, he added.
Barr. Ali explained further that, this caretaker committee chairmen should be people that have integrity and can project the image of the Governor Lalong, as he added that Lalong does not need people that will be appointed and they keep running away from the electorates.
“We appealed to the governor to  appoint people based on competence not zoning , zoning cannot get us the right people to help him deliver on his electioneering campaign which is  my honest advice “, Barr.Ali noted .
He said although the Supreme Court’s judgement affirmed Senator Ahmed Makarfi as National Chairman of the PDP, the ruling party would not in any way restore the image of the party before Nigerians.
The chieftain also stated that neither: “Makarfi, Ali Modu Sheriff or any other person being the PDP chairman is no threat to Lalong ,what people  should look at is  the party as an institution”.

He condemned the institutionalization of corruption in the country and dilapidated infrastructure inherited from our democrats which is very sad.


By Adamu

The Executive Governor of Plateau State, Rt Hon Simon BakoLalong made a desirable and timely appointments, the people you recently appointed to preside over Local Government Council, Management Committee are people who are ever ready to transform their various communities from agrarian society to a modern one. Neither your decision nor the new appointees came as surprise because it had been the tale aspirations of the people. Kudos!

While congratulating Mrs Naomi GOLMWEN the newly appointed Management Committee Chairmen, Pankshink Local Government Council. And Dr. Ado Buba of Wase Local Government Council for his reappointment. Naomi, Is a woman of integrity and honesty that duly deserve the position.

Looking back at her antecedents, it's clear that those who recommended her for the post, actually did well because, they did not do it out of their sheer selfish interests but rather,for the benefits of generality of people on the Plateau state not only in Pankshin Local Government Areas.

In fact, her elevation to this wonderful position was attributed to her hard work, commitments, dedication and honesty in serving our fathers land. as some of her principles; she always believe in preaching and practicing justice and fairness to all as the main instruments for peace, unity and national development whenever approaching issues of developments.

However, somebody may ask why I write to congratulate Naomi, after all I am not from Pankshin Local Government Areas. Of course I am from Wase Local Government Areas. But the truth of the matter is whenever you do good, you will constantly see good in life no matter what. I was in Government College Amper, where the industrious, versatile and meritorious woman served as Principal of the college some years back before she was posted to Area directorate Office of the Ministry of Education Plateau state. Obviously during her Principalship, she led a good legacy and virtue to extolled, which I am common example.

All the time, while on assembly ground, she used to begin with meditating the Motto of our school that is ' All SHALL LEARN. ‘And later give this interpretation after. Learning can take place at anywhere and not necessarily in a class room, lean a good behaviour from morally dedicated people. ' she said.

Optimistically, the people of Pankshin will not be remorse for their actions for recommending her to Governor Lalong to serve them in this capacity. For sure what she had done in various places of her official assignment is a child play compare to what shall be in Pankshin as presiding officer of the committee.
It is on this premises of her good records at a various work places , I can infer that her coming is a God will to alleviate our suffering, how I which she will be recommended to Mr President to serve at the federal level after successful completion current assignment.

Long lives Mrs Naomi Godwen ! Long lives Dr Ado Buba! Long lives Plateau State! Long lives Federal Republic of Nigeria!!!

Written by Adamu from Bashar Wase Local Government 

“NAAPD committed to sustainable food security in Nig’’ says Adamu

The Nigeria Association of Agricultural Product Dealers in partnership with the Nigeria Police Force has concluded arrangement of posting staff to commence monitoring and evaluation of vehicles taking off from Plateau state chapter between June and July to avoid multiple taxes and levies on highways.

 The state Coordinator, Mr. Tukura Solomon Adamu, artd deputy Comptroller of prison who gave this disclosure at the Federal secretariat Plateau state.

Adamu commended the staff for their resilience and commitment to support towards achieving meaningful development in the country which function is to not just collection of levies and taxes but granting loading including uploading of all the agricultural products.

 According to him, the association are not only dealing with the agricultural products leaving the shore of this country but imported goods coming into the country before entering there must be permit.

Rtd Deputy Comptroller said some of their staff will be deploy to sea ports to work in conjunction with the Nigeria Police Force which was granted license.
He explained further that list Local Governments coordinators for screening exercise would soon be send to enable them start orientation in other to advance responsibility.
The partnership with police to commence Notice to Traders, Drivers in Plateau to prevent multiple taxes and levies intimidation, harassment of members destruction, stealing of our goods and maltreatment of our drivers, he noted.
"We must support FGN to force down price of food in our country, we must defend our members to proudly feed the Nation” he stated.
Adamu called, we shall submit our trucks for inspection and certification to Nigeria agricultural quarantine services approved control posts.
 He told the workers to obtain their awareness and sensitization sticker from Nigeria Association of Agricultural Product Dealers officer nationwide.

Mammoth crowd gathered to welcome Kanam management Committee

With of pump and pageantry the newly management Committee Chairman enters Kanam Local Government.

The occasion was marked by jubilation as multitude of crowd converged at the Kanam Boarder with Kanke Local Government Area to welcome and eventually witnessed the handing over of leadership to the newly appointed management Committee Chairman, Hon. Halidu.

The council chairman was led and accompanied by the Hon. Commissioner for Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs AlhajiDayyabuGarga, former accountant General Shem Damisa, former House of Assembly Members, former commissioners and prominent sons and daughters of Kanam local government area,as they went to the Palace of the Emir of KanamAlhajiBabangidaMauzu to receive his prayesr and blessing
Welcoming them,the Emir said “I appreciate the rescue governor His Excellency Rt Hon, Simon BakoLalong for this God Guided wonderful decision to appoint chairmen and councillors from the grassroots.
He said “God Bestowed leadership on anybody he wishes at an appropriate time” he pray for their successes as he calls on Kanam people to give them all the necessary support they needed to govern, he called on Kanam Sons and daughters to put all personal interest aside for the common good of Kanam.

The emir calls on Kanam people most especially the politicians not to disturb the Management Committee with unnecessary demands as such would make them to run away when they cannot afford to.

He advised the Management Committee chairman to take every peace security meetings very seriously and he should constantly meet with the security and the traditional rulers.
In his own part the Hon. Commissioner for Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs 

AlhajiDayyabuGarga, praise and commend the leader of the rescue team, His Excellency Rt Hon, Simon BakoLalong for his wisdom and foresight in choosing councils leaders from the grassroots,  he explained that it was out of these choosing councillors that the goveronor choses the chairmen’
He said “the governor decision is informed by the desire to carry the grassroots people alone in his administration”

he advised the chairmen to carry everybody alone irrespective of their political parties and groups, he said “ you are not representing a group of people but Kanam people as a whole.
While responding the council chairman who is full of appreciation said “ I am happy that God gave me this position not because I am above others or the most qualified nor the most educated or influential but God wills it.

The council chairman called on the youths to unite for the common good of Kanam development, he said “come let chart a new course to develop our dear local government which was created in 1976 but has nothing to show for it, “ Kanam is Lagging behind in all ramification  of development because we are not united, he added.

He said it was now a time for us to sincerely put our differences together and come together uplift our communities. 
Mammoth crowd gathered to welcome Kanammanagement Committee
With of pump and pageantry the newly management Committee Chairman enters Kanam Local Government.
The occasion was marked by jubilation as multitude of crowd converged at the Kanam Boarder with Kanke Local Government Area to welcome and eventually witnessed the handing over of leadership to the newly appointed management Committee Chairman, Hon. Halidu.
The council chairman was led and accompanied by the Hon. Commissioner for Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs AlhajiDayyabuGarga, former accountant General Shem Damisa, former House of Assembly Members, former commissioners and prominent sons and daughters of Kanam local government area,as they went to the Palace of the Emir of KanamAlhajiBabangidaMauzu to receive his prayesr and blessing
Welcoming them,the Emir said “I appreciate the rescue governor His Excellency Rt Hon, Simon BakoLalong for this God Guided wonderful decision to appoint chairmen and councillors from the grassroots.
He said “God Bestowed leadership on anybody he wishes at an appropriate time” he pray for their successes as he calls on Kanam people to give them all the necessary support they needed to govern, he called on Kanam Sons and daughters to put all personal interest aside for the common good of Kanam.
The emir calls on Kanam people most especially the politicians not to disturb the Management Committee with unnecessary demands as such would make them to run away when they cannot afford to.
He advised the Management Committee chairman to take every peace security meetings very seriously and he should constantly meet with the security and the traditional rulers.
In his own part the Hon. Commissioner for Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs AlhajiDayyabuGarga, praise and commend the leader of the rescue team, His Excellency Rt Hon, Simon BakoLalong for his wisdom and foresight in choosing councils leaders from the grassroots,  he explained that it was out of these choosing councillors that the goveronor choses the chairmen’
He said “the governor decision is informed by the desire to carry the grassroots people alone in his administration”
he advised the chairmen to carry everybody alone irrespective of their political parties and groups, he said “ you are not representing a group of people but Kanam people as a whole.
While responding the council chairman who is full of appreciation said “ I am happy that God gave me this position not because I am above others or the most qualified nor the most educated or influential but God wills it.
The council chairman called on the youths to unite for the common good of Kanam development, he said “come let chart a new course to develop our dear local government which was created in 1976 but has nothing to show for it, “ Kanam is Lagging behind in all ramification  of development because we are not united, he added.
He said it was now a time for us to sincerely put our differences together and come together uplift our communities. 

Lassa Fever: One case confirmed in Plateau

The Plateau State Commissioner ‎for Health, Dr Kuden Deyin on Tuesday confirmed another case of Lassa fever in the state.

Deyin who made the confirmation to our correspondent in Jos, said the patient who was brought-in from Garkawa in Mikang Local Government Area was displaying symptoms of Lassa fever.

“After blood sample was taken from the patient, the result came out positive and the patient is currently responding to treatment at the Jos University Teaching Hospital (JUTH).

“The state has so far recorded four cases of Lassa fever and three out of the four patients are responding to treatment at the Jos University Teaching Hospital while one patient died,’’ he said.

The commissioner advised the public to ensure that they maintain a very high standard of personal hygiene and ensure that their environments are kept clean.

“Food stuffs should be kept in rodent-proof containers and people should also desist from drying their food stuffs on the highway, as they never can tell when rats will defecate or urinate on them.

“Health workers should be on the alert while private medical practitioners are advised not to keep patients who manifest symptoms of Lassa fever for long.

“Rather such patients should be referred to tertiary health institutions for prompt medical attention as time was of the essence in treating Lassa fever,’’ the commissioner said.

On July 8, students from Federal Government Girls College, were rushed from the school clinic to the Jos University Teaching Hospital and it was observed that they were displaying symptoms of Lassa fever.

Their blood samples were taken to Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH) were it was discovered that three out of the four samples were positive.

Lassa fever, also known as Lassa hemorrhagic fever (LHF), is a type of viral hemorrhagic fever caused by the Lassa virus. Many of those infected by the virus do not develop symptoms.

When symptoms occur they typically include fever, weakness, headaches, vomiting, and muscle pains.

The virus is commonly transmitted by rats and is said to be responsible for about 5000 deaths every year.

Recently the Nigerian Medical Association (NMA) alerted Nigerians on the need to raise their guard against another outbreak of Lassa fever and Ebola.

Dr Tunde Olawepo, the Chairman of the association in Kwara told our correspondent in an interview that Nigeria must not let down its guard against the deadly virus, Ebola and Lassa fever.

He noted that the government and people have relaxed measures that were initiated to contain the spread of Ebola at its outbreak in 2013.

According to him, surveillance of travelers entering the country has stopped just as people had relaxed with personal hygiene like regular washing of hands and use of sanitisers.

“People have stopped using hand sanitisers and frequent hand washing as before.

“We need to step up with preventive measures and this means people must keep up with hygiene at all times,” he said


The House of Representatives on Thursday voted against a clause that would have weakened the powers of the president in the process of the alteration of the Constitution, the foundation of the nation’s legal system.

Both chambers, Senate and House of Representatives, concluded voting on the alteration of the 1999 Constitution via “Bills to Further alter the provisions of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (Fourth Alteration) Bill, 1999.”

On the whole, the two Houses considered the amendment to 33 sections of the Constitution based on the reports of their ad-hoc committees on constitution review with the Senate approving 29 and the House approving 24.

While the upper house began and concluded the amendment on Wednesday, the lower legislative chamber concluded the exercise on Thursday.

Both chambers have the powers under section 9 of the Constitution to amend the document.

While the Senate requires 72 votes, representing two-thirds, to approve the amendment to any section of the document, 240 votes are required in the House of Representatives for that purpose.

It states, “National Assembly can pass an Act to amend the Constitution when its proposal to amend the constitution has been supported by two-thirds majority of all the members of each chamber and is approved by the resolution of at least 24 House of Assembly of the states.”

However, the procedure to strip the president of powers to assent to the amendment to the provisions of the constitution requires four fifth votes of the members of both chambers.

Section 9 (1) of the Constitution says, “The National Assembly may, subject to the provisions of this section alter any of the provisions of this Constitution;

(2) Any act of the National Assembly for the alteration of this constitution, not being an Act to which section 8 of this constitution applies, shall not be passed in either House of the National Assembly unless the proposal is supported by the votes of not less than two-thirds majority of all the members of that House and approved by resolution of the Houses of Assembly of not less than two-thirds of all the States;

(3) An Act of the National Assembly for the purpose of altering the provisions of this section, section 8 and Chapter IV of this constitution shall not be passed by either House of the National Assembly unless the proposal is approved by the votes of not less than four fifths majority of all the members of each House and also approved by resolution of the House of Assembly of not less than two-thirds of all the states

In exercising its power in Section 9 (3), 92 Senators voted to strip the president of powers to assent amendments made to the Constitution.

However, the House could not muster the four-fifth votes, which is about 288 votes required to effect the amendment as it was backed by only 271 members, while 20 voted against and none abstained.

The Bill numbered 24 is titled, “Procedure for overriding Presidential Veto in Constitutional Alteration.”

If the amendment had been carried with the concurrence of the House of Representatives and further approved by two-thirds (24) of the 36 State Houses of Assembly, the legislature would have had sweeping powers to alter the nation’s constitution without any role for the president.

The leader of the House of Representatives, Femi Gbajabiamila, told PREMIUM TIMES on Friday that he had drawn the attention of his colleagues to Section 9 (3) of the constitution in order to avoid a procedural error during the voting on Thursday.

He explained that with the defeat of the amendment in the lower legislative chamber, the proposal was dead because it meant that it would not be part of the aspects that would be transmitted to the state legislature for concurrence.
Under the Constitution, the president plays a crucial role in making any bill passed by the federal legislature become law.

Section 58 (3) states, “Where a bill has been passed by the House in which it originated, it shall be sent to the other House, and it shall be presented to the President for assent when it has been passed by the other House and agreement has been reached between the two Houses on any amendment made to it.

“Where a bill is presented to the President for assent, he shall within thirty days thereof signify that he assents or that he withholds assent.

“If the President refuses to sign the bill into law within thirty-days of its referral to his desk, the bill dies unless the National Assembly overrides the presidential veto by passing the bill again with the support of at least a two-thirds majority in each chamber.”

“Where the President withholds his assent and the bill is again passed by each House by a two-thirds majority, the bill shall become law and the assent of the President shall not be required.”

During the last amendment between 2011 and 2015, the federal legislators had similarly attempted to strip the president of powers to assent to amendments made to the Constitution.

The then president, Goodluck Jonathan, had rejected multiple proposals laid out by the National Assembly as part of a new Nigerian Constitution, including clauses stipulating free education and healthcare for every Nigerian child.

Mr. Jonathan, in a seven-page letter to the Legislature, said he could not sign the new proposals into law due to ‘irregularities and an attempt by the lawmakers to violate the doctrine of Separation of Powers.’

The former president said he could not sign a proposal seeking to dispense with the president’s consent in future constitutional amendments until the Senate and the House of Representatives provided “credible evidence” showing the plan was approved by the required number of federal and state lawmakers.

He also said a proposed clause to give free education and health to Nigerians, could not stand as proposed as the lawmakers as it failed to state clearly that such privileges could only be accessed from a government school or hospital, respectively.

Following the disagreement, the federal government instituted a suit at the Supreme Court to nullify the amendments to the Constitution.

The government requested the Supreme Court to give an order nullifying and setting aside Sections 3, 4, 12, 14, 21, 23, 36, 39, 40, 43 and 44 of the Fourth Alteration Act, 2015 purportedly passed by the legislature.

In May 2015, a few days before Mr. Jonathan left office following his defeat in that year’s presidential poll, the Supreme Court ordered the federal government and the legislature to maintain status quo on the amendment exercise.

IMF: Nigeria’s economy to grow faster than South Africa in 2018

International Monetary Fund (IMF) has predicted that Nigeria’s economy will grow at a faster pace than the South Africa’s in the 2018 fiscal year. According to its World Economic Outlook (WEO) for July 2017, the IMF said Nigeria will grow at 1.9 percent in 2018, while South Africa will only climb by 1.2 percent.

The Bretton Woods institution, which held global growth projections at 3.5 percent in 2017 and 3.6 percent in 2018 — said growth was marked down in South Africa, due to elevated political uncertainty.

“In Sub-Saharan Africa, the outlook remains challenging. Growth is projected to rise in 2017 and 2018, but will barely return to positive territory in per capita terms this year for the region as a whole—and would remain negative for about a third of the countries in the region,” the IMF said via WEO.

“The slight upward revision to 2017 growth relative to the April 2017 WEO forecast reflects a modest upgrading of growth prospects for South Africa, which is experiencing a bumper crop due to better rainfall and an increase in mining output prompted by a moderate rebound in commodity prices.

“However, the outlook for South Africa remains difficult, with elevated political uncertainty and weak consumer and business confidence, and the country’s growth forecast was consequently marked down for 2018”, it noted.

IMF also added that global growth will be aided by growths in the US and the UK, who are projected to grow at 2.1 percent and 1.5 percent respectively.

“China’s growth projections have also been revised up (6.7%), reflecting a strong first quarter of 2017 and expectations of continued fiscal support.
“Inflation in advanced economies remains subdued and generally below targets; it has also been declining in several emerging economies, such as Brazil, India, and Russia.”

I will not contest, my son is already there- Pauline Tallen

A former deputy governor of Plateau state 2007-2011 Hon. Mrs. Pauline Tallen has made known her position for 2019, saying she will not contest the Governorship election because her son Mr. Simon Bako Lalong is there already. She made the statement when she was responding to View Point Nigeria correspondent at Sheraton Hotel Abuja during a 2-day National Unity And  Integration conference organized by the Savannah Centre for Diplomacy, Democracy and Development.
Viewpoint Nigeria: “Ma could you respond to some speculations that you rejected your appointment as an Ambassador by Mr. President because you’re nursing a governorship ambition”?
Hon. Tallen: “No o! My son is already there. I can’t contest against him. Thank you.”
When journalists sought to ask her further questions on national issues, she immediately entered her car and zoomed off to escort former president Olusegun Obasanjo who attended a different event at the Sheraton hotel to mark his 80th birthday.

Hon Robert Taple admonishes performance of institute of purchasing supply management

The Chairman Plateau State Local Government service Commission Hon. Robert Taple has expressed satisfaction with the performances of institute of purchasing ,supply and management in the state.
Spokesman of the institute of purchasing supply management Hon. AugustineDashe given out the pace of the enormous challenge facing in the ministry for local government and chieftancy affairs in the state,
He appreciated the tremendously support given the All Progressive Congress (APC) in Plateau state under Governor Simon Lalong led administration
Robert Taple assured the institute of purchasing and supply management that government will not allow their contributions to be in vein which he promise to tackle some of the challenges affecting them as government is working very close to bring about the needed improvements for the local government system.
Hon. Taple advised that the commission would follow up the result of this investigation and would rectify the issues they have raised before the commission as the rescue leader ambassador will do his best in revamping and developing Plateau state of our dream.
Meanwhile, the institute of purchasing and supply management appealed to the local government service commission to help set up of training centres for members.
Spokesman of the institute of purchasing supply management Hon. AugustineDashe pointed out some of the challenges facing them which include, logistics ,accommodation .
Dashe lamented that over Ten Years (10) the stock officers could not improve themselves with any training to enhance their performance .
According to him, productivity of the staff of institute of purchasing supply management was very low owning to the of lack of functional board , motivation and training equipment .
He expresses great concern how revenue receive have been put together by the ministry for local government and chieftaincy affairs which gave him a great concern .


By Ayuba Yilgak'ha No nation could attain meaningful and sustained development in the atmosphere of turbulence and chaos. For a nation t...