Wednesday 27 January 2021

"APC is growing and deepening its acceptability among the people"- Gov. Lalong



1. I welcome you to this family meeting of our great party, the All Progressives Congress in Plateau State.

2. Let me first wish us all a happy new year and pray that this year will be a great year for our State, our people and our great party the APC.

3. The last time we met here, we had fruitful discussions and also fashioned out strategies on how to secure victory at the bye-election for the Southern Senatorial Seat.

4. To the glory of God, the commitment and hardwork of our party leadership and members, as well as the support of the electorate, the APC emerged victorious by defeating our opponents with a clear margin.

5. Let me therefore congratulate our brand new Senator, Distinguished Senator (Professor) Nora Dadu’ut on this well-deserved victory and for being the first woman from Plateau State and one of the few in the country to seat in the Red Chambers of the National Assembly.

6. I also thank and congratulate the party leadership led by Chief Letep Dabang and the Campaign Council led by Senator Victor Lar as well as all our party structure throughout the Southern Zone who mobilised our people to victory.

7. This is evidence that our party the APC is growing and deepening its acceptability among the people of Plateau State. We have to continue to build on this trajectory.

8. As an APC led Government, our administration has continued to implement the blueprint of our party despite the harsh economic realities that came up as a result of the Corona virus pandemic and economic recession.

9. Our three point policy of peace security and good governance, infrastructural development and sustainable economic rebirth is very much on course.

10. We have continued to complete abandoned projects that we inherited as well as those we initiated across the State. These cut across health, education, security, infrastructure, social development and the economy. 

11. In health for instance, the abandoned hospitals in Riyom, Kanke, Mabudi are almost completed while ongoing ones including the Lalong Legacy Projects are at various stages of completion. We are building a Teaching Hospital in Shendam to serve the new faculty of health sciences soon to take off at the Plateau State University Bokkos.

12. Apart from establishing the Plateau Contributory Health Insurance Scheme, we recently recruited more health workers including doctors to ensure that our people get access to quality, affordable and timely healthcare.

13. The same is happening in the education sector where we are building and upgrading more schools both under the legacy projects, SUBEB and SDGs. Our tertiary institutions are also receiving attention as we are making them better. 

14. Apart from providing funds for on-going road projects, we recently re-awarded contracts for Tahoss/Ganawuri road, Mangu by-pass road, Shinkwan/Tunkus/ Shendam bye pass road as well as the rehabilitation of Kwande Byen-Byen Road.

15. In the area of security, we have commenced the implementation of the Community Policing with the training and deployment of the first batch of 592 constables. We have reinvigorated the Operation Rainbow and also provided more support to security agencies for better performance.

16. To address the ugly cases of kidnapping, land grabbing, cultism and other violent crimes, we passed and signed into law the bill that provides death sentence for anyone convicted of kidnapping in Plateau State. We are waiting to make an example and I am ready to sign the death warrant for anyone convicted.

17. We have equally pushed on with our human capital development initiative to train, empower and re-orientate our citizens towards entrepreneurship, job creation and independence. Thousands of youths and women have been trained and empowered by PLASMIDA with support from the ITF on various skills.

18. We have kept faith with the regular payment of salaries despite the economic crunch and have also gone ahead to implement the new minimum wage for workers. 

19. We are taking a bold and historic step to settle the issue of pension, gratuity, death benefits and other liabilities of our retired civil servants through a partnership with some financial institutions. This we hope to implement with the issuance of promissory notes to willing beneficiaries. Of course when the discussions are concluded, the initiative will be totally voluntary and there will be no compulsion.

20. I have taken time to highlight these among many of our achievements because of the propaganda by our detractors and the opposition who are bent on discrediting our good work. As members of the APC, it is our collective responsibility to project our achievements wherever we find ourselves.

21. As we set out to revalidate and register more members into our party, we should realise that it is our works that we speak for us and that our opponents will naturally stage their propaganda to try to dissuade people from registering. The people of Plateau State know where we took over from the PDP and the difference we have made. There is substantial peace and more visitors and investors are coming into the State.

22. We have to consolidate on these gains and draw in more people into our party during this exercise. Let us not allow our individual interests and ambitions to interfere with the process as clear guidelines have been set out by the national leadership of our party for a smooth exercise. 

23. As stakeholders, we must show good conduct and lead by example to deny out opponents any window of distraction.

24. I wish to draw our attention to the ravaging impact of Covid 19 particularly in this second wave. As at today, we have lost about 53 people to the disease in Plateau State including VIPs. Myself, the Party Chairman and many of us seated here are victims who were lucky to survive. 

25. Let us please talk to our followers to observe the protocols and also show an example to them. The rate of infection is growing and we cannot afford another lockdown.

26. Finally, I wish to commend some of our members who got appointed into various positions at the Federal and pray that more of those appointments will come. 

27. Thank you and God bless Plateau State and our great party, the APC.

Rt. Hon. (Dr) Simon Bako Lalong, KSGG

Executive Governor, Plateau State.

27th January 2021.


The Northern Governors Forum has welcomed the appointment of new Service Chiefs by President Muhammadu Buhari and also commended the outgone Service Chiefs for giving their best in the service of the nation. 

Chairman of the Forum and Governor of Plateau State Simon Bako Lalong in a statement commended the President for taking the decision and asked the new Service Chiefs to put in their best not only to meet the expectations of the Commander-in-Chief, but also that of Nigerians who have high expectations for enhanced security and safety of lives and properties. 

He charged them to build on the successes of their predecessors and also learn from their challenges in order to address the lingering problems of terrorism, insurgency, banditry, kidnapping and other violent crimes that the nation has been battling to contain. 

Lalong assured the Service Chiefs of the support and collaboration of the Northern Governors Forum in addressing insecurity in the region and the nation as a whole in order to enable the citizens pursue their legitimate businesses without any hindrance. 

He appealed to Nigerians to support and pray for the new Service Chiefs as they provide leadership for the patriotic officers and men of the Armed Forces to put up a final onslaught against protracted security challenges. 

Governor Lalong also thanked the former Service Chiefs for their courage, sacrifices and commitment to protecting Nigeria's territotial integrity and dealing with internal threats during their stewardship, and wished them well in their future endeavours. 

Dr. Makut Simon Macham 

Director of Press & Public Affairs to the Governor of Plateau State and Chairman Northern Governor's Forum. 

27th January 2020.

Tuesday 26 January 2021


The Chairman of the Northern states and Plateau State All Progressives Congress (APC) Chief Letep Dabang said, the party has concluded all the necessary arrangements to register new and old members.

He called on those who wish to join the party to seize this opportunity and register.

Letep stated this in his welcome address when the Chairmen of the Northern states APC met in Jos to deliberate on how best to handle the registration exercise and to move the party forward.

Letep affirmed that the Party is poised for authentic membership data base that would enhance its victory in 2023.

“This assignment has been given to us so that an approved data of party members is enhanced, adding that this task is a serious affair in which we the leadership of the party have to ensure that members are properly mobilize and registered in their various locality and wards.”

He called on his fellow APC chairman to braced up and confront all challenges that might come their way with wisdom and tact because, the task before them is an enormous one, “if we handle it well, the party would stay well, but if we handle it wrongly, we might have ourselves to blame, he added

"Our party is set to welcome new members into our growing fold and this exercise will be done at the various poling units across the states," he said

"All modalities have been put in place to ensure the registration exercise is hitch free.”

He reiterated that Nigerians have embraced the party and are always willing to support the party at all times, noting that there is a rising clamoring by Nigerians to join the party which necessitated the recent membership registration exercise to help coordinate the party properly before the party primaries next year.

Letep called on APC stakeholders and members to zealously help monitor the exercise to avoid the hijack of the process by enemies of the party for their selfish interest.

Wednesday 20 January 2021



Plateau state Commissioner of Information and Communication Hon. Dan Manjang has said the Ministry will partner with Plateau Publishers Association (PPA) on information dissemination.

Hon Manjang stated this in his office at J.D. Gomwalk Secretariat in Jos, when the officials of the Plateau Publishers Association led by its chairman, Shabul Mazadu, paid him a courtesy called.

Mazadu emphasized the significance and benefits of engaging Plateau Publishers Association on information Dissemination, saying “It must be reiterate that our members own on-line media platforms, newspapers, magazines and other forms of news broadcast with wide circulation to the entire 17 LGA’s of Plateau State and the Nation at-large”

On the advantages and the need for Plateau State Government to patronize the PPA, Mazadu said it is sad that the laudable achievements of Governor Lalong are under reported, this has made some mischief’s’ makers in the state to peddle falsehood and misinformation which to a large extent projected the state in bad light thereby discourages prospective investors from coming to invest in the state.

Mazadu applauded the Plateau State Commissioner of information Hon. Dan Manjang for engaging the PPA on the activities of his ministry.

In his response, Hon. Manjang appreciated the PPA for the visit and promised to partner with the body on information dissemination of government's activities noting that the Lalong led Rescue Administration has achieved a lot both at the state and local government's levels.

He urged the publishers to continue with good work they are doing in supporting the government efforts in tackling the state challenges, saying Plateau State belong to all of us and we have a duty to bequeath a greater Plateau to our children, “our diversity should be our source of strength” he added

Among the PPA officials that visited the Ministry were the Chairman, Shabul Mazadu, Secretary, Daniel Bok, Publicity Secretary, Genius Nanfa, the Treasurer, Mrs. Helen Bok and the Auditor, Orgak Walbe.

Wednesday 13 January 2021


“By that law, anyone convicted of kidnapping in Plateau State will be sentenced to death”
“Criminalize any denial of the existence of COVID 19 in the State, urged senior citizens to go for test”
“Grant full autonomy to Local Government”- all funds belonging to that tier of Government go straight to them”

True to type Governor Lalong has recorded another milestone in the history of Plateau state thus engraving his name on historical landscape of the state. His constant engagement of stakeholders in decisions making has proven that Governor Simon Lalong administration is an exemplar of good governance.

Governor Lalong has over the years, combined wisdom, humility and intelligence, in the task of administering a multifaceted State like the Plateau, thus changing the narrative in governance and thereby eliciting respects and confidence.

The Governor had on the 14th January invited stakeholders to intimate and engaged them on discussion in seeking ways to curtail the second wave of COVID-19 and security issues held at the Victoria Gowon Hall, New Government House, Little Rayfield Jos.

Welcoming stakeholders at the meeting Governor Lalong Said “I have invited you here again for us to rub minds on very important issues that border on the security and well-being of our people. I want to thank you for honouring this call which again demonstrates your commitment to the progress of Plateau State”

He said “As you may be aware, we are experiencing the second wave of the corona virus pandemic where there is a resurgence of cases across the nation including here on the Plateau. As a result of this, we are recording more daily cases in the State than previously. Sadly, we are also recording increasing number of deaths that is very worrisome. In the past weeks, we have seen some prominent persons in Plateau State and indeed across Nigeria die from COVID-19.

Lalong noted that mostly we hear of the big names but do not get to hear of the others involving people that are less prominent. This should give us serious concern because it means that the situation is bigger than what we seem to know.

He lamented that the most worrisome point here is that despite this situation, most citizens appear to be careless and reluctant to observe the COVID-19 protocols. In fact, many have abandoned and refused to observe simple protocols of wearing face masks, maintaining social distance and washing hands regularly.

Governor reiterated that this worries him a lot because this recklessness is further exposing more people to the virus and then increasing the casualty figures. While we have no intention of imposing another lockdown to avoid further damage to the economy, some members of the public are not helping us.

Lalong noted that as a government, we cannot fold our arms to witness people dying over a situation that is largely preventable. I hope we shall see a change of attitude going forward as we resume more vigorous level of enforcement of all the protocols.

He further warned that for those who are in denial and continue to misinform others that COVID-19 does not exist, I want to warn them to desist. I as the number one citizen of the State was a victim and God helped me to come out of it. I can tell you that it is not a joke and I do not wish even my enemies such experience.

He said that is why at the last State EXCO meeting, we decided to criminalize further denial of the disease in the State. In other words, if you deny the existence of the disease, keep your denial to yourself because if you are caught propagating it or instigating others to follow you, you will be arrested and prosecuted no matter how highly placed you might be.

Again, we have to re-strategize and embark on more education and sensitization particularly at the grassroots. The previous approach where we talk to stakeholders and expect them to take the message down seems to be less effective at the moment. Therefore, we are taking the message by directly engaging the people.

Governor Lalong said |I have directed that my Commissioners and other senior government officials go down and engage the people henceforth. We want to break the resistance and ensure that the people own the response. COVID-19 is a personal matter that affects people directly. They need to be involved”.

On the issue of vaccine, “I have already heard some people peddling conspiracy theories. I want to say that I will be the first to take the vaccine whenever it is available in Plateau State. Let us be careful of promoting unsubstantiated rumors”.

He noted that by the way, we are still hopeful that the drugs being developed by the Plateau State Medical Research Team which are currently undergoing clinical examination will pass the necessary approvals. This will also give us another option for prevention and treatment. At least, this is our own initiative and there is no conspiracy theory attached.

On the issues of security Governor Lalong said security remains the first priority of his administration. “We have continued to pay attention to the security of lives and property by adopting various measures to foster peaceful coexistence and also deal with crime and criminality”

He said the Government is working hard with the security agencies and stakeholders to ensure that the ugly incidences are tackled. Last month, I signed the Anti-kidnapping, Land grabbing, Cultism and Violence-related matters bill passed by the State House of Assembly into law. By that law, anyone convicted of kidnapping in Plateau State will be sentenced to death while cultism and other violent crimes attract various terms of imprisonment.

Also in December last year, we inaugurated 595 Community Police constables who were trained and deployed to the 17 Local Government Areas to assist law enforcement agencies, particularly the police in intelligence gathering and other security operations. Now that it has taken off, I expect to hear from you how best we can domesticate and own the initiative at the grassroots.

He said security is a collective responsibility, I charge you to assist the Government sensitise and mobilise all citizens to always be security conscious and take measures to protect their vicinity against criminals. Apart from exposing them, they should also embrace techniques to provide the first line of alarm and defence before security agencies respond.

“I have repeatedly said that I do not want to hear of any incidence of “unknown gunmen” terrorizing our people. We have to collaborate with the security agencies to ensure that we achieve this. They cannot do it alone. Now that we have community policing constables, we expect better security as we all support them to work.

“You may be aware of the recent alert by the Department of State Services of a threat to cause inter-religious violence by some criminal elements. We have to take this alert seriously and ensure that we report any suspicious activity to the security agencies. I also advise our people not to succumb to the divisive antics of such elements who exploit the fault lines of religion, ethnicity, politics and other sectional interests to create chaos”.

On the issue of the implementation of the new minimum wage for Local Government Employees. The Governor said I understand that they have concluded negotiations on modalities for implementation; I still need to make a few clarifications because of the misinterpretation and misinformation out there.

Those who want to be objective and say the truth know that I will be the last person to frustrate the implementation of the new minimum wage to Local Government employees having been one of the first and few Governors to agree on its implementation. Besides, I was part of the negotiation at the Federal level after which other tiers of Government were advised to go and negotiate with their employees.

He explained that following the prolonged clamour for financial autonomy of the Local Government system nationwide, the matter was finally resolved. As a result, I approved that Local Government autonomy in Plateau State should be implemented immediately. Therefore, all funds belonging to that tier of Government go straight to them. It is therefore the duty of the Local Governments to negotiate the new minimum wage with their employees based on their capacity to pay. This is the same thing that happened at the Federal and State levels.

I was therefore shocked that despite my intervention to ensure that the matter was quickly resolved through a Technical Committee, the workers embarked on protests which caused hardship to other citizens. They have also called me unprintable names forgetting that I have a soft spot for workers.

I do not need to repeat what I inherited as their salary arrears for 8 months, unpaid “no-work-no pay”, promotions of over 20 years, among others when I took over. All these they seem to have forgotten because of politics. Let me again put it on record that I am not holding local government salaries and no one should therefore call me names.

As this engagement unfolds, I expect to get feedback from you and have some of my Commissioners and relevant officers intervene where necessary.


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