Tuesday 11 October 2016


Ladies and Gentlemen of the Press

Further to the Press Statement issued by the PDP Plateau State Chapter on the above subject matter, we the people of Plateau Central Senatorial District, the constituency that Distinguished Senator JOSHUA CHIBI DARIYE has been representing in the Red Chambers are compelled to put the records straight.

We understand that in his letter of defection to the Senate President, he hinged his decision on the following:

Abandonment of PDP to APC by his supporters; and

Division in Peoples Democratic Party (PDP)

As people of Plateau Central Senatorial District, we wish to unequivocally refute in very strong terms the reasons adduced by our Senator for his defection from the PDP to the APC. We make bold to state that this was a typical solo decision by the Senator without consideration for others, even his closest supporters.

 As earlier alluded to, Chief Dariyes political trajectory points to only one thing, perpetuating his selfish political interest rather than serving the people. That is why he always crossed over from one party to other in a quest to remain relevant. Although he started in the PDP in 1998, he influenced the then Speaker (now Governor) Rt. Hon. S. B. Lalong and thirteen other members of the Plateau State House of Assembly to defect to the then Action Congress (AC) the result of which they lost their Seats while he remained as the Governor in PDP and never showed any sign of remorse. He defected to Labour Party (LP) and won to the Senate in 2011. Attempts by one of his fellow contestants, Nde Alexander Molwus to verify the waiver  he was allegedly granted by the PDP National Headquarters to contest the Primaries in the Court of law was curiously frustrated by Chief Dariye using his well paid team of lawyers. 

But did he actually return? With the benefit of hindsight, we can now boldly say that having used the Labour Party platform to further his self interest, Chief Dariye found it was no longer useful for him so he dumped it. We are reliably informed that he never attended a single meeting of the Labour Party nor contributed any kobo to the Party since he got elected on their platform! He then moved on to his next target and started pretending to mend fences with those he had betrayed before he left the PDP persuading them to accept him back as a changed man. He went to great lengths even humiliating himself in the process just to be covered from shame by the big umbrella of the PDP. He eventually had his way through guile and deceit. As true party men and women, we fully supported him as our candidate despite our lingering doubts as to his sincerity. We were glad that our great party won to consolidate the fact that Plateau is the home of PDP!

Alas Chief Dariye began to show his true colours as soon as he became the flag bearer of the PDP for the 2015 General elections. As the elections gathered momentum, his key associates and bootlickers whose political party is Dariye wherever he goes began to openly canvass support for the accidental APC! He only supported PDP for the purpose of his own election but never identified with other PDP candidates for other elections. We watched with shame and disbelief how someone who got elected on the platform of the PDP a couple of weeks earlier would turn round to bite the fingers that fed him. It is worthy of note that on account of his false pledge of allegiance, he requested for and was entrusted with huge PDP resources which he used for other purposes other than garnering support for the PDP!

Despite the above, we in the PDP had in the spirit of reconciliation thought we could still travel together with Chief Dariye. Unfortunately he keeps blowing hot and cold. While he actively participated in the processes leading to the Congresses that produced party officials from the ward to the state level successfully, he thereafter became aloof to invitations to party functions. We are constrained to conclude that he had hoped that the congresses would throw up officials he could have manipulated for his selfish ends. Having failed, he proceeded with his plan B by returning to where his heart and soul had always been, the APC!

Permit us to bring to your notice that before the defection, Senator Dariye had commissioned a Skills Acquisition Programme which is being coordinated by his erstwhile Secretary to the State Government, ( an APC Stalwart) Nde Ezekiel Gomos. It is worthy of note that all the participants are APC members. The Senator did not even have the courtesy of asking the PDP at whatever level to send in nominees among the teeming number of our party faithful who toiled day and night to see him elected. This confirms to us that he had long severed his umbilical cord with the PDP before 22nd September when he cross carpeted on the floor of Chambers. 

We wish to however state that the Senators decision did not come to us as surprise. It has been in the rumour mill for several weeks that he had concluded plans to formally defect to the APC. Rumours abound that he has been promised a soft landing in his trial for corruption by the same APC government that pretends to be fighting corruption. While we wish him well in his pursuit, we wish to state that the PDP family in Plateau Central Senatorial District truly feels relieved that someone whom we have always held in high esteem but has never brought any benefit to the District is finally showing his true colours. Senator Dariyes penchant for cross carpeting to further his personal interest as earlier articulated is well known. Be rest assured that this time, he is going without any support as the people are tired of aiding him in his selfish and self serving pursuits.

For the avoidance of doubt, we wish to state that there is no division whatsoever in the PDP. It is therefore clear that Senator Dariyes decision to defect was a unilateral decision taken by him. He did not consult any organ of the party. We therefore see his defection as an act of betrayal of trust. We have therefore met at all relevant levels of the party in the State and hereby pass a vote of no confidence on Senator Joshua Chibi Dariye and therefore can no longer have him as our representative in the hallowed Red Chambers.

In view of the above, we want to place on record the collective and undivided support and appreciation of the PDP family in Plateau Central Senatorial District for the steps so far taken by the State EXCO of our great party to re-claim our mandate. We call on the Distinguished Senate President to urgently do the needful as requested by our Party by declaring the seat being unlawfully occupied by Senator Dariye vacant. Fortunately for us in the PDP, the Supreme Court has ruled in a number of cases including the recent Judgment in respect of the Kogi State Gubernatorial elections that votes lawfully scored during an election belong to the Party and not the individual! 

We call on INEC to immediately, upon receipt of the Declaration of Vacancy from the Senate President to issue a certificate of return to Nde Alexander Molwus who came second in the PDP primaries so that Plateau Central Senatorial District would have an honest, competent, effective and caring representation in the Senate of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

We urge the Senate President and INEC to do all that is in their power to protect our fragile democracy.

Long Live the rule of Law!
Long Live democracy in Nigeria!
Long Live the PDP!
Long Live Plateau Central Senatorial District!
Long Live the Senate of the Federal Republic of Nigeria!
Long Live Nigeria!

 Hon. Benedict Shignuhul (KSM)
 Vice Chairman, Plateau Central District

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